Behind The Door pt1

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(A week before the party)

Santana:(Working in her office)

Brittany:Baby dinners ready

Santana:Ok I'll be out soon

Brittany:(Walks into the office)You'll be out now

Santana:(Whispers)This is an important call

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)


Brittany:You have 5 minutes

Santana:(Grins and goes back to her call)

Brittany:(Hears her phone and goes to answer it)

(Brittany's phone call)

Brittany:Finn what can I do for you

Finn:Umm I just wanted to check in on you I know you and Rachel aren't talking

Brittany:Yeah that sucks actually

Finn:I've kinda heard what happened from Rachel and Sam I just wanted to check on Brittany

Brittany:(Sighs)I'm fine

Finn:So what about you and Santana

Brittany:What about me and Santana

Finn:Are you know

Brittany:We're dating and I'm happy I just wish Rachel could see that...I miss her

Finn:I know she misses you she just won't admit it

Brittany:Finn I have to go but I'll call you later

Finn:Ok bye


(End of phone call)

Santana:(Walks in)There I'm done


Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Hey what's wrong

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair)Nothing I'm ok

Santana:(Walks over to Brittany and pulls her close)You sure

Brittany:(Pecks Santana's lips)I'm fine

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)You know I'm sure this meal is amazing but I have a craving for something else

Brittany:(Bites her lip)What'd you have in mind

Santana:(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)


Santana:(Naked in bed holding Brittany stroking her arm)

Brittany:(Looks up at Santana)


Brittany:(Straddles Santana)There's something about you that I just can't figure out

Santana:Maybe you should stop searching

Brittany:I think it's whatever you keep behind that locked door

Santana:(Slowly slides Brittany off of her and gets out of bed)

Brittany:(Watches Santana)

Santana:(Puts on her underwear bra a t-shirt and pants)People keep secrets for a reason Brittany and that door is my secret...I love you there's things about me that not everyone understands

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Make me understand

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)

Santana:(Goes to her drawer and pulls out a key)

Brittany:(Watches Santana)

Santana:(Tosses Brittany a shirt and walks out of the room)

Brittany:(Puts on the shirt and her panties and follows)

Santana:(Takes a deep Breath and unlocks the door)


Santana:(Walks in and turns on a light)

Brittany:(Walks in surprised)

A/N:Kinda short

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