Chapter Three ▫ Late Night

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Brittany:(Wakes up)

Sam:(Half asleep)Go back to bed

Brittany:I have to work(sits up and stretches)

Sam:So you got the job?

Brittany:Yes(stands up and goes to her closet)

Sam:Britt baby it's so early

Brittany:Yeah I know but I have to be at work by 6:00am(takes her clothes into the bathroom to take a shower)

Sam:(Lays in bed)Babe you don't need a job

Brittany:(In the shower)I want the job

Sam:Fine whatever


Brittany:(Comes out of the bathroom dressed)Sam I'm leaving


Brittany:(Rolls her eyes and slides on her flats)

Sam:When are you coming back?

Brittany:I don't know I haven't learned my hours

Sam:See you later

Brittany:Ok bye(goes downstairs and grabs her coffee and keys then leaves)

Brittany's POV

I was extremely nervous after what happened yesterday I didn't know what to expect. She acted as if I didn't get the job or maybe that's how she normally is.

I felt so wrong falling asleep to the thought of her placing her hand on my leg I felt like I was doing something wrong. Even though I felt bad I loved the thought. Something about her was just..desirable.

Brittany:(Walks into the lobby)

Judy:Hello Miss Pierce

Brittany:(Walks up to the desk) can call me Brittany

Judy:(Smiles)Ok well Brittany here is your key card(hands Brittany a key card)It gives you access to some of the rooms in the building

Brittany:(Takes the key card)Ok

Judy:Miss Lopez is waiting for you upstairs so you can go up

Brittany:Ok(walks towards the elevators and goes to the top floor)I got this Brittany you can do this(walks up to the big doors and knocks)

Santana:Come in

Brittany:(Opens the door and walks in)

Santana:(Looks at Brittany and walks over to her)

Brittany:(Stays still and looks at Santana)

Santana:(Steps closer to Brittany and closes the door)You can go sit

Brittany:(Nods and goes to sit in the chair in front of Santana's desk)

Santana:(Walks to her desk and sits in her chair)


Santana:You don't say much

Brittany:I-I don't know what to say

Santana:(Looks at Brittany's bare legs)Well what's on your mind?

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Why did I get the job?

Santana:(Stands up)What do you mean?

Brittany:I swear yesterday it looked like you had already made up your mind about not giving me the job

Santana:(Slowly walks towards Brittany and stops when she is standing right in front of her)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)

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