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(With Brittany)

Brittany:I'm so tired

Heather:Well planning a wedding is tiring

Brittany:I see that

Heather:The girls really enjoyed the dress shopping

Brittany:I wish I could've been there

Heather:Britt your planning your wedding trust me with all the money I hear Santana has you'll be able to dress shop anytime

Brittany:(Laughs)She does have a lot of money

Heather:Is she home

Brittany:No not yet she should be here soon though


Brittany:How is dad

Heather:He won't stop talking about Santana and her business

Brittany:One conversation it took her one conversation to win him over she is so good with words

Heather:(Laughs)He adores her


Heather:Hey Britt I gotta go but I'll call you in the morning

Brittany:Ok love you mom

Heather:Love you bye


(End of conversation)

Brittany:(Watches T.V.)

(With Santana)


Sam:(Holds the knife to Santana's side)

Santana:(Glances at him)

Sam:God I didn't wanna have to do this but you wouldn't listen I warned you and you wouldn't listen!


Sam:You took the only thing that was stable in my life and you don't even fucking care!

Santana:I didn't make her leave

Sam:You encouraged her

Santana:Brittany is a grown woman she does what she wants and being with me is what she wants


Santana:If you really loved her you would let her be with someone she really loves and is happy with

Sam:She's supposed to be happy with me!

Santana:(Keeps driving)

Sam:She's all I know...I spent most of high school trying to impress her and every minute after that I tried to make her happy

Santana:Well you didn't and she found someone who does and you need to understand that you need to let her go and move on

Sam:(Thinks)Stop the car


Sam:Stop the car!

Santana:(Pulls over)

Sam:(Takes the keys)If you move I swear I'll kill you


Sam:(Gets out of the car)Think Sam think

Santana:(Pulls out her phone and texts Brittany)

Call 911 send them to 22nd and Welsh now!!-San

Sam:(Sees her phone and walks over to her side)

Santana:Shit(hides her phone)

Sam:(Pulls her out)What the hell where you doing!


Sam:Don't fucking lie to me!

Santana:Sam this isn't you I've seen the real you and I know you're like this because of everything that's happened but I love Brittany and it's time you let her go

Sam:(Looks at Santana)

Santana:(Grabs Sam's hand)Let her go

Sam:(Jabs the knife into Santana's stomach)


Sam:Never(pulls out the knife)

Santana:(Clutches her stomach)

Sam:(Looks at her)Oh god

Santana:(Drops to the ground)

Sam:Fuck(gets in the car and drives off)

Santana:(Gasp for air)B-Brittany(gasp)H-Help Me(gasp)

(No ones POV)

{She lay there holding her stomach as blood poured out of the opened wound...she continued to call for Brittany praying that this was only a nightmare but knowing it wasn't she used all the strength she had to call out for help more specifically Brittany's help...At that moment all she wanted was to be with Brittany standing in front of hundreds of people saying the words "I do" making Brittany her's forever...All she could picture was every moment that her and the blonde spent together and with every thought her breaths got shorter and shorter...She slowly began to close her eyes as her eyelids got heavier and heavier just before they closed she saw the flashing of lights getting closer and realised she may never see the love of her life again and breathed 3 last words before the darkness completely took over and numbness came over her body}

Santana:I L-love you(closes her eyes)

Over here hurry!

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