Dinner Worries

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Rachel:(Sitting on the couch)I told you this place is amazing

Finn:(Sitting next to her)Yeah it is

Brittany:(Walks in)Ok guys the table is set

(During dinner)

Finn:I told some guys at work about the dance studio and a few of them have daughters and sons who wanna join so I gave them your card Santana

Santana:Great I'll be waiting for their calls

Rachel:(Sips her wine)This food is really amazing


Santana:A friend of mine made it she's an amazing cook if you ever want her to cook for you or something

Finn:I don't know if we can afford a personal chef

Santana:It'll be on me

Rachel:You are really kind

Santana:Blame Brittany

Rachel:(Smiles and looks at Brittany)

Brittany:(Plays with her hands)

Finn:Hey Britt you ok

Brittany:(Quickly looks up)Huh

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Finn:Are you ok

Brittany:I'm just thinking

Santana:About what babe

Brittany:Um nothing important

Rachel:Britt you can tell us it's not like we'll get mad

Brittany:(Glances at Santana)

Finn:We're waiting

Brittany:Has anyone um heard from Sam

Santana:(Sits down her fork)

Rachel:(Sits down her wine)Um no

Finn:No not in awhile

Santana:Why are you thinking about him

Brittany:He just popped into my head and I was worried

Santana:I'll be back with dessert(gets up and goes to the kitchen)


Rachel:What was that

Brittany:She doesn't like when I talk about Sam or even just mention his name

Finn:I don't blame her

Rachel:Why not it's not a big deal to talk about her ex I mean they did have history

Finn:Yeah now she has a fiance so they are HISTORY

Brittany:I'm just worried about him

Finn:I'll try to talk to him and let you know how he is


Finn:Just don't bring him up again

Brittany:You're right I won't

Santana:(Walks back in and sits the brownies on the table)

Rachel:Wow what are those they smell amazing

Santana:They're red velvet brownies

Finn:(Takes one)

Rachel:(Does the same)

Finn:It's like heaven in my mouth


Rachel:They are REALLY good

Brittany:(Eats one)Mmm

Santana:(Sits down)

Finn:Aren't you gonna have one

Santana:No you eat up big guy I'm not really in the mood for sweets right now

Finn:Ok(takes another one)

Brittany:(Glances at Santana)

Santana:So Rachel I never asked but what do you do

Rachel:I teach music at a high school

Santana:Nice do you like it

Rachel:Definitely music is everything to me


Finn:Do you like your job

Santana:Yeah in a way it keeps me close to my dad

Rachel:That's a beautiful way to see it


Rachel:Have you guys started wedding planning

Brittany:(Sips her wine)Yeah we picked out colors and tomorrow Santana goes to get a custom made Armani suit and I get my dress designed next week

Rachel:Good and have you picked out bridesmaids and a best man

Brittany:I was thinking you,Tina,Mercedes and maybe Quinn

Rachel:And you San

Santana:Since I don't keep in contact with my family I was thinking Finn as my best man

Finn:I'd totally do it


(After dinner)

Santana:Bye Finn bye Rachel

Brittany:Bye guys

Rachel:I'll call you tomorrow


Rachel:(Leaves with Finn)

Brittany:(Closes the door)

Santana:(Goes into the dining room)


Santana:(Picks up the dishes and walks into the kitchen)

Brittany:Let me help you

Santana:I don't need any help

Brittany:Santana let me help with the dishes

Santana:(Sits the dishes down)Since you're so eager to do them then do them yourself


Santana:Maybe Sam can help(walks into the living room)

Brittany:(Follows)Santana I'm just worried about him ok he was my husband so I have the right to be worried

Santana:Yeah and now you're engaged to someone else so how about you work on forgetting about your last bullshit relationship and focus on your next and last one!

Brittany:Fuck you!

Santana:Fuck me then!

Brittany:(Quickly walks over and kisses Santana)

Santana:(Kisses back)

Brittany:(Kisses deeper)

Santana:(Lifts Brittany up and carries her upstairs)

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