Not What I Expected

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(With the girls)

Brittany:(Walks out of the dressing room)What do you think

Heather:(Looks at Brittany)Wow you look beautiful

Mercedes:That's the one

Brittany:You think so

Kurt:It is Brittany you seriously look stunning

Rachel:I'm gonna cry

Tina:You look gorgeous

Brittany:(Smiles and looks in the mirror)

Heather:You are so beautiful sweetheart

Brittany:(Looks at the dress)Thank you mom

Tina:What was the name of the place where you got your last dress


Rachel:In and Out Fabrics

Brittany:(Rolls her eyes)

Mercedes:Didn't your dress rip the day of the wedding

Brittany:(Sighs)Yes and his mom had to quickly fix it

Kurt:So since you and Sam are done can I tell you something

Brittany:(Turns to Kurt)What

Kurt:Your wedding was awful the food was cheap the decorations were tacky and nothing was really planned

Tina:True didn't you get married like 2 weeks after he proposed

Brittany:His idea...he said he couldn't wait to be married to me...(smiles sadly)He said I was the love of his life and his everything

Rachel:(Looks at Brittany)

Heather:(Walks over to Brittany and stands behind her)Britt

Brittany:(Looks in the mirror)Yeah

Heather:Is this what you want

Brittany:(Turns to her mom)What

Heather:Are you sure you're readyto remarry

Brittany:Why wouldn't I be

Heather:As everyone knows you did love Sam once upon a time...loved him so much that you married him against our wishes so I don't want you to regret or change your mind after you guys are-

Brittany:I love Santana with all my heart...sure I loved Sam once upon a time but that story ended and this is the sequel to my life...Santana makes me feel things that Sam never could and now that all of this has happened if I went back in time to the first day Santana and I met I would do the same thing all over again

Kurt:As jealous as I am that is so beautiful

Mercedes:Your love is so strong


Rachel:My whole idea of Santana has changed she's not the homewrecker I thought she was she's so much more

Tina:She's also really hot


Heather:(Smiles)I'm so happy for you

Brittany:(Hugs her mom)Thank you


Sarah:(Walks out)Hey did you like the dress

Brittany:(Pulls away)Yes it's perfect

Sarah:You look what do you think is that "The One"

Brittany:(Looks at everyone)


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