Found Hours

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A/N:The title made me laugh only because it explains the Missing Hours lol still funny I hope you guys get the joke

Santana:(On the phone)

Brittany:(Walks in)

Santana:I gotta go...see you soon(hangs up)

Brittany:(Pours coffee)

Santana:Morning Baby

Brittany:(Sips her coffee and scrolls through her phone)


Brittany:(Keeps scrolling)

Santana:When you're done get dressed so we can go

Brittany:I have plans


Brittany:Well Rachel and I are meeting with Beth to discuss wedding decoration ideas

Santana:Oh trust me Rachel won't mind so you can just reschedule

Brittany:(Rolls her eyes and keeps scrolling)

Santana:(Takes the phone)You have 1 hour to get ready then we're leaving...I will carry you out if I have to(walks out)

Brittany:(Sighs and goes upstairs)

(Brittany's POV)

{I was still upset that Santana lied about where she was and how she used her flirtatious and tempting ways to make me forget about it and now she's using her dominant and bossy ways to tell me what to do it may turn me on but she's not the boss of me...Before I walked in the kitchen I heard her on the phone and I wondered who she was talking I know Santana would never cheat on me and she has never given me a reason to suspect that she would but ever since she lied last night and now the quick end of the phone call when I walked in I can't help but wonder...After I finished getting ready I walked downstairs Santana was waiting and she gave me my phone then we left}

(In the car)


Brittany:(Looks out the window)

Santana:(Glances at Brittany)What are you thinking about



Brittany:Why did you lie to me about where you were last night

Santana:(Smirks)That's why you're mad

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)You think it's funny

Santana:A little bit now that I know I can finally relax since it's nothing big

Brittany:Nothing big WOW

Santana:(Slows down and parks)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)You seriously think it's ok to lie to me

Santana:In this case...yeah

Brittany:And what case is that

Santana:(Points out the window)

Brittany:(Looks out the window)

Heather:(Steps off the jet)

Brittany:(Squeals and gets out of the car)Mom!

Heather:(Turns her head to Brittany)Brittany!

Brittany:(Runs to her mom)

Heather:(Hugs Brittany)Oh my god I've missed you

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