He's Back

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(4 days until the party)

Santana:(Walks into the bedroom)

Brittany:(Slowly sits up)

Santana:Good you're up come on get ready

Brittany:Where are we going

Santana:Well I need you to come in today and I'm taking you out to breakfast

Brittany:(Smiles)Wow a breakfast date

Santana:(Laughs)Just get ready

Brittany:(Stands up)

Santana:How's your you know(smiles)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Still very sore


Brittany:(Goes to take a shower)Hey San


Brittany:What should I use to cover up these hickies

Santana:Nothing embrace them


Santana:(Smiles and finishes her hair)

(Brittany's POV)

{The longer I'm with Santana the more I feel like I can't live without her she's a great business woman she's amazing in bed and she's actually pretty funny I mean when you first meet her she doesn't seem like she has a funny side but as you get to know her you learn that she's full of surprises...in and out of the bedroom}

(At the diner)

Santana:(Drinking her coffee)

Brittany:So when exactly am I gonna find out about the party

Santana:(Smiles)I told you when you get there

Brittany:Are you keeping secrets from me Miss Lopez



Santana:So I was thinking maybe tonight I take you out


Santana:I wanna take you out I know this great place I've only had time to go once but it was amazing

Brittany:(Smiles)What time should I be ready

Santana:Well you can leave work at about 5:00pm then head to the house I'll leave about an hour later and pick you up for our reservations at 7:30pm

Brittany:(Smiles)Ok...Wait you already made reservations


Brittany:What if I said no

Santana:You wouldn't have

Brittany:Whatever you say


Brittany:(Smiles)Hey by the way I wanted to ask you something

Santana:What's that

Brittany:What are we I don't exactly know what to call us

Santana:Where's this coming from

Brittany:Well at the store yesterday the cashier asked why you would give me your card and I was gonna say you're my... Yeah I didn't know what to say

Santana:Well what do you want us to be(sips her coffee)

Brittany:(Smiles)Well I was thinking-Sam!

Santana:(Chokes and coughs)You want us to be Sam

Brittany:(Stares at someone)

Santana:(Turns and sees Sam walking towards them)Great

Sam:(Walks up to their table)Brittany

Brittany:Sam what are you doing here

Sam:I came back early because I love you I need you



Sam:(Looks at Santana and then at Brittany)No one can love you as much as I can

Brittany:I'm not doing this

Sam:Brittany please

Santana:Look Sam she doesn't want to hear it

Sam:I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my wife

Santana:(Stands up)Your Ex wife

Sam:(Steps closer to Santana)Not yet she isn't

Santana:I'm worth over 1 billion dollars I don't think you wanna touch me...plus I'd kick your ass pretty quickly

Sam:Oh yeah


Brittany:(Grabs her purse)Santana let's just go

Santana:(Pulls out a $20 bill and pays)I would love to stay and chat but my girlfriend and I have a billion dollar company to run


Brittany:Bye Sam(takes Santana's hand and leaves)

Sam:(Watches her go)

(In the car)


Brittany:I can't believe he did that how the hell did he even know where we were and then he has the nerve to say all of that in front of you

Santana:Brittany look don't worry I'm sure Sam knew exactly what he was doing

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair)He just can't take no for an answer

Santana:Well he's gonna have to because there's no way in hell I'm letting you get away

Brittany:(Smiles)By the way it was hot when you stood up to him

Santana:(Parks her car)Well maybe I should call Sam and argue with him just for fun


Santana:(Laughs and gets out of the car)

Brittany:(Gets out)

Santana:(Walks into work with Brittany)

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