The Card pt1

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(A few days until the party)

Brittany:(Wakes up)


Brittany:(Goes downstairs)

(Brittany's POV)

{Last night with Santana was amazing I never thought that being handcuffed to a bed and blindfold would be so pleasurable Santana really knows every part of my body with just one kiss she knows where I want her to kiss next with one stroke of the cheek she knows what I'm thinking...I've never felt that with Sam I sometimes feel like this was supposed to happen Santana and I are meant to be together...I hope she feels the same}

Brittany:(Pours coffee)

Santana:(Walks downstairs)


Santana:(Smiles)Hey what's this

Brittany:I just thought I'd make breakfast

Santana:(Sits down)It smells good

Brittany:(Sits across from her)Thanks

Santana:(Eats)And it taste amazing


Santana:So a few more days until the party

Brittany:Yeah...So when are you going to tell me the theme of this party

Santana:You'll see when you get there

Brittany:But how will I know what to wear

Santana:It's a formal attire type party which is why instead of coming to work you are going to go out and buy a new dress and stuff for the party

Brittany:Are you serious

Santana:(Stands up and takes their plates)Yeah you can charge everything to my account

Brittany:San I can't do that

Santana:(Walks over to Brittany)You can if I say you can


Santana:(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Wraps her arms around Brittany's waist)How's your stomach

Brittany:It's fine it doesn't sting as much


Brittany:Don't be it was the best sex I've ever had(bites her lip)

Santana:(Looks at Brittany's wrist)

Brittany:(Watches Santana)

Santana:Maybe you should wear a jacket to cover your wrist

Brittany:Yeah I guess

Santana:(Kisses both of Brittany's wrist)

Brittany:(Smiles and gets a call)One sec(grabs her phone)

(Brittany's phone call)

Brittany:Rachel hey


Brittany:It's good to hear from you

Rachel:Yeah you too

Brittany:So how are you

Rachel:Good you

Brittany:I'm doing good

Rachel:Are you um...doing anything today I know usually you work

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)I'm actually off today Santana wants me to buy a dress for a party maybe you could come


Rachel:Um yeah sure

Brittany:Ok I'll um I'll pick you up in about an hour


Brittany:See you soon

Rachel:Ok bye


(End Of phone call)

Santana:So you guys are both going


Santana:You should invite her to the party and Finn

Brittany:Yeah that sounds like a good idea

Santana:Yeah(looks at the clock)Ok Britt I have to get ready my card is on my desk in the office(runs upstairs)

Brittany:(Smiles and goes into the office)

(Later with Brittany)

Brittany:(Pulls into Rachel's driveway)

Rachel:(Gets into the car)

Brittany:(Starts to drive)Hey


Brittany:So today we have a little friend with us


Brittany:More like what check my wallet

Rachel:(Looks in Brittany's wallet and pulls out Santana's card)What's this

Brittany:The amazing credit card that belongs to the Santana Lopez

Rachel:She gave you her card

Brittany:She gave US her card



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