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I wrote this story years ago and picked up writing the sequel recently, so I thought of putting the story on Wattpad was well. 


Hello! My name is Emily and I am obsessed with Lord Of The Rings/Hobbit. For as long as I can remember I have always loved creating my own fantasies to escape from reality to. I do this with writing as well so I hope this story can be your temporary escape! It has been a few years since I've written so hopefully its not too bad. Please leave comments!

The beginning of the story is sort of a sappy love story, so please if that is not your type, please stick through it. I promise after that point that the story gets amazingly better!! So much character development, it makes me happy :)

This fanfiction is about a girl named Latalia, Alia for short. She was gifted with rich brown hair as flawless as any elf in Middle Earth. The length stops just above her hips and is usually kept with small, yet beautiful braids throught her hair. Latalia has piercing green eyes you could easily get lost in like Thorin trying to find Bilbo's house. The picture above is the dress she will be wearing at the start. I feel that is all the detail needed to start out so enjoy!

Also the entire Gallagtola Tribe except for its creator Nerdanel was completely made by me so please do not steal any part of it. If you are interested in learning more about the tribe and its fascinating history, I am writing my own story about it. If you are interested in reading it, please message me, i'd like to know if people would read it. Thanks

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now