13 Not Too Sure Of What To Do

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"What else is behind this meeting" I raised an eyebrow at the man filled with many surprises.

"You are to leave in two days now. And neither of us are completely sure of what may happen when you go back. I fear you may get married then." I frowned at the thought of having to go back to Bennet. "Don't worry love, let's work out a plan" he cupped my chin and placed a light kiss on my lips, sending warm shivers throughout my body. We patted a spot next to him as he sat down on the bench to begin our plan.

"So like you suggested, you will try to follow us to Rohan so I can feel safe" he nodded as we thought of what else needed to be covered. "So, I have an idea. What if approximately four weeks after living there or sooner, I fake my death and escape to the Fangorn Forest? Then we can meet up and leave all of that bad past behind" I could tell he was holding back from agreeing, and for a good reason. "Latalia, you're talking about telling your family that you have died. They will be extremely devastated, your family could fall apart." a tear slid down my cheek but I wiped it away, knowing this was my best option.

"I must do it, and I shall not change my mind. And if you leave before I fake my death, we can send letters. Some form of communication" he sent a small smile my way, probably knowing he should just agree since my plan would not budge. "Whatever shall keep you happy ma cherie." he pulled my to lay my head in his lap as he played with my hair that had accidentally fell out of a bun. "Promise you will be there waiting for me when I disappear into the Fangorn Forest" I turned to face his eyes, he nodded. There was were, for hours just sitting with each other. My head rested on his shoulder now. "I love you Legolas". "I love you Latalia."

To fill the silence of the world sleeping, I began to sing an old song I had not sung in years. My mind filled with nostalgia as I sang the rarely known 'Jolly Sailor Bold'. My eyes grew heavy as I felt myself fall into a deep sleep in the gazebo with Legolas.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, I opened my eyes to see I was laying in my bed. First though coming to mind, I lifted my covers and took notice that I was back into my nightgown.

"Did I dream the entire meet with Legolas last night?" I wondered as I stretched.

"No you did not" I jumped at the sudden presence of Legolas on my balcony. "Not cool" I threw a pillow in his direction which he caught in his left hand alone. "Show off" I mumbled. He wore a simple off white tunic, his hair as usual. He must of noticed my eyes trailing over him as he smirked. "You just can't take you eyes off me, can you love" Legolas winked, causing me to blush as red as a pale rose.

"Oh i'm so sorry, your highness. I was just picturing you as if the handsome Lindir were standing in my room talking to me" I pretended to faint over such beauty. Before I could fully fall on my bed from my fake faint, Legolas' arms held me up, causing my to squeal not seeing that coming. "Don't break my heart love" he smiled before bringing his lips to mine, lightly brushing them together.

"That would be the worst pain I could ever endure" I searched his eyes as my own were filled with confusion and disbelief. "Are you trying to tease me, prince Legolas?" he smirked as I stepped out of his grasp and made my way to the folding screen. Since it was next to the bath, I removed my nightgown and wrapped just my robe around my body, loosely tying it.

"Well if you don't mind, I shall leave you now to go bath in one of the nearby bathing springs" I grabbed a towel and headed for the now blocked door. "Well I do mind, and since I am in fact the prince, I say you shall not leave your chamber for your own safety." I put on my best innocent face. "What is dangerous awaiting me outside my door?" my eyebrows raised as I started playing with my hair, trying to get to him. "The danger of missing this" he moved toward me, pulling my body against his as we kissed very passionately. I automatically moved my hands to his hair, feeling over each perfected braid.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now