48 Careful Who You Call Prince Part 2

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I ran to Theodred's side and helped him move to the arena seating. "You forget elven man, my blood is the same of the great wizard Radagast The Brown." I turned back to Briadalin, a look of curiosity plastered on his face. 

My eyes flicked to Lobelia who laid on the ground, trapped under the ice covering her arms and legs.

"So with your father's genes, you can control all elements. How convenient" Briadalin shrugged off the experience he had just witnessed and walked to Lobelia, helping her from the ground.

 "Chill Dalin, you weren't the one pinned to the ground by it" Lobelia huffed at the man. I ignored how my mentor felt about me at the moment and checked the cut on Theodred's neck. "Latalia, I will be fine. Just help me find our way to the house reserved for you" a smirk crept up on his face, causing my own to light up a little.

"Or perhaps I should show you the way, since I already found it." Theodred stood up and went for my bag of belongings. My attention was dragged behind me as Briadalin cleared his throat. 

"Meet back here tomorrow so we can discuss how to use your special gift." with that, the man was gone. 

"Here" Theodred handed me my belongings including my daggers before I followed him outside of the arena. The sky was dark and littered with twinkling stars, the crescent moon giving off just enough light to see the path ahead.

Small bulbs of pointed lights lit a stone path into the woods as Theodred and I passed small burrows similar to Hobbit homes. "I thought the elves lived completely underground." I chuckled as he struggled to pull his blonde locks of hair back into a messy bun. "Mostly, yet you must remember this is a new type of elven people. And they lived among people for many decades, explaining why they do not live completely within the ground." I took in the view of twinkling vines hanging above our heads.

A petite elven woman stepped out of a nearby house, but stopped when her eyes met mine. "Latalia, are you going home?" she approached me as if we had been close for many years. "Yes, though I have not seen it yet, unlike this man" I looked into the chocolate brown eyes of the man I loved. "Yes well, hope to see you soon. Goodnight daughter of the Commonbrook" she called out and retreated back into her own house. "That is right, my father's name was Chastine Commonbrook".

My fingers interlaced with Theodred's as he led me further down out path in the woods. "Close your eyes and do not open them until I say" I obeyed and squeezed my eyes shut quickly. He held onto my shoulders as he slowly guided me left of the path were were on. "Just a few more steps" the cheer was clear in his voice. "Aaaaaand open."

 I did as told and gasped in awe at the sweetest cottage I had laid eyes on.

Tamed ivy with roses of light pink snaked around each pole at the edge of the porch. This on-looked a small pond in front of the cottage, with lily pads swaying slightly on the water's surface. 

"This had been reserved for you since your father took you to the Jones family." he wiped a lone tear that fell from the thought of my parents and Josette. He wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me close to his body. "Let's go inside. I had some help moving our things into here earlier while you were passed out."

I pushed open the white wooden door with a big stained glass window and entered my home. The floor was of dark oak and matched the exposed beams on the high ceilings. In front of me was the living room holding furniture of colors to compliment the house beautifully. To the left was a staircase facing the simple yet elegant kitchen on the other side of the first floor. 

"The bedroom is upstairs, have a look while I run out, flower." Theodred kissed me quickly before heading out of the door. "I have maids coming at any moment to help you with the best bath you shall ever experience" he called before closing the door.


I stood in the open area outside of the training arena and waited for Jhaefinel to arrive. I jerked my head behind me to see a young prince coming at me swiftly with a sword engraved similar to Latalia's daggers. 

"First to yield." he spits through gritted teeth and charges at me, sword held straight out. Without moving, I swing my sword of my own under his and upwards, knocking it out of his grip and a few feet away onto the ground.

Jhaefinel is taken back for a few seconds, but acts fast and tries landing a punch to my face. I dodge to the right and used my left side to knock him to the ground. I now held the point of my sword just an inch from his throat, hoping he would not give it the chance to spill his blood. 

"Young prince, you need training. And I can help you" he tries to muster the courage to fight back, but soon lays against the grass and closes his eyes hard. I had not expected the night to turn out like this at all.

"My entire life, my family has only talked about the Commonbrook and Latalia's return. I was born just a few years after her, but she was always the latest concern." he began to silently sob. I sighed and sheathed my sword, sitting on the ground next to him as he sat up. "I understand Jhaefinel. My cousin Eomer was given more military responsibility and thought higher of by my father. I wanted to show him how useful I was, but he looked to Eomer most." Jhaefinel sent me a sympathetic look.

"But you must drop this thing with Latalia. Get to know her for who she is, and let me help you learn to fight. She would love to be close to you, and so would your father." he gave in and agreed to try.

Months later


Months had passed since Theodred and I had moved into the Gallagtola Tribe. We hold seats within the tribe councils, as well as help with training from the outside world. I had secretly kept people on the outside looking for Legolas and keeping me updated. I would occasionally leave the tribe to go visit Akita and see Rivendell. Theodred and I have grown extremely close over our time of living together, and I cannot think of a better place to spend time with him. Jhaefinel and I are good friends, as well as everyone who helped me finish my elemental training. 

Everything has been perfect so far.

"How are you two, my flower?" Theodred walked over to me as I rocked on the porch peacefully. 

"We are doing just fine, my sun" he leaned down and kissed me passionately. Once we parted, he knelt to the ground and placed his hand and head on my stomach. "I hope my little one is happy" he rubbed the bump I had along my stomach softly.

"Just five more months Theodred, and we will have either a little princess or a prince to take care of." I stared at the man in front of me with such adoration. He must've noticed, because his eyes suddenly met mine, along with a grin that always makes me melt on the spot.

"I love you Latalia"

"I love you too Theodred"

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