8 Clearing My Head

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My eyes began to open to the bright sun shining through a balcony I must have not noticed before. I mean, every time I was in this room, I was either dressing, sleeping or crying.

Shifting behind me indicated that Legolas had just woken up to. But as I turned around, my heart skipped a beat for a minute. "Who are you?" I sat up waiting for the little girl and little boy to answer my question.

"My name is Cherru and my brother is Nuanda" she smiled, not able to stay still for long. "The elf with the light hair said that we can help you since he is going to be getting something this morning." Nuanda added to his sister's comment.

"Well if you are here to help me, what shall we do?" the siblings smiled at each other before yelling "attack!". Before I could protest, Cherru and Nuanda had knocked me down on the bed and began to tickle my sides and neck.

I couldn't help but laugh till my abdomen slightly ached. The kids finally stopped after a while, as we all felt exhausted. A knock on the door caught the attention of all three of us.

"Nuanda, Cherru. Your mother is ready for you two to come back" The kids ran to hug Legolas' legs before leaving the room. The cute little kids looked the age of 8 for mortals. "They really did help" I smiled at Legolas as he leaned down to kiss me.

I kissed back as I stood up from the bed, ready to talk with the White Council again. "What was it you were getting?" I looked over my shoulder to Legolas as I rummaged in the dresser I know stood in front of. I found a beautiful dress colored of rose red. "I went back to the river to retrieve a book I left.I thought I placed it on your sofa yesterday but accidentally brought it with me." I nodded as I held the dress up against myself.

Unlike my other dresses, this one had sleeves tight to the arm. The bottom of the dress faded into gold as it went down. It appeared an ombre of the two colors.

I hummed the Siren Song as I pulled the dress on. "Hey Latalia. Do you think that if you fully obtain these powers if you are apart of the tribe, that you could levitate water into your mouth" I let out a loud laugh as I stepped out from the folding screen I changed behind.

I looked at my dress and hair in the mirror at every angle possible to make sure I was presentable. "Shall we go, ma cherie?" I smiled as he used the little french I taught him. In Laketown, he mainly speak the common language and french.

I wrapped my arm around his as we made our way to the same spot as yesterday. Seeing the same stream I had summoned water from while singing yesterday sent unpleasant chills up and down my body.

"Latalia. I am very glad to see you have found yourself in times of grief" Lady Galadriel smiled at me. She must have read my mind as I thought of the sad, yet life changing event that took place last night. "I have grown to find purpose in my actions. So before we start. Who else am I related to, since it wasn't mentioned yesterday" I glanced at everyone sitting at the table in the beautiful meeting area.

The members are gave each other looks before Lord Elrond started. "Latalia, as you know, your father is Chastine Commonbrook. Your mother is unknown just at the moment." He hesitated before speaking again. "Chastine is the son of Radagast. Your grandfather" my eyes widened at the news, explaining why Radagast couldn't seem to take his eyes from me at the meeting last night.

"Do you know anything on Chastine's whereabouts?" I searched faces for answers but got nothing in return. "I have not heard any news from him in hundreds of years, for he is immortal. But you being his daughter and being 27 years of age gives me great hope." he reassured me with a comforting smile.

I breathed in the sweet morning air before giving a small speech. "As you know, Legolas and I are leaving tomorrow to continue our journey to Bree." I smiled to Legolas as he returned it with a wink.

"I know not of when the time comes that I find out if I am part of the Gallagtola tribe. But when it does, I will immediately notify you. I have also promised a guard of the Woodland Realm that I shall search for his sister until she is found. I shall promise the same for my father, in favor of you Radagast and for myself" he smiled at me as if feeling relieved.

Time had passed since the meeting and Legolas and I used every chance we got to sneak around with each other. Many kisses were stolen in gardens and bridges as we waited for the night to approach. Now we sat in a gazebo, overlooking the river below. The elves lived in peace here, something I envied.

For I knew not of the danger I may embark on in my future journey. Elven children played in open fields, music is played as others dance, things were nice here.

"The book I told you I had to retrieve this morning, is about your father and his homeland." he handed me the item from behind him as I traced the words 'Gladden Fields and the Commonbrook'. "Thank you" I leaned over to Legolas and hugged him with one arm, book in the other. His scent made me smile, never wanting me to part from his arms.

"We should go to rest for our long journey tomorrow." I nodded as Legolas and I headed back to our room to get ready for what awaited us. I slipped into the same cream nightgown from the night before as Legolas waited for me to join him under our covers. I did not care for tradition, I felt completely fine being this close with Legolas without marriage. Even if others frown upon it, the judgement did not sway my actions.

"Latalia, catch" Legolas threw an apple at me, hoping I would let go of my unfastened robe to catch it and reveal what was underneath my little bit of clothing. I laughed and pulled the robe tighter around my bodice as the apple just flew past me. "Nice try Legolas Thranduilion, but I am not that easy to trick." I winked before snuggling up to his right side. He kissed my forehead before leaving to gather his things. While I had time, I decided to slip on my brown leather pants, my water blue long sleeved shirt, and my dark green cloak.

"You have got to be kidding me" I moved past the folding screen to see Legolas sitting on the bed, head in his hands. "What is it?" I sat next to him and rubbed his left shoulder in efforts to comfort him.

"I don't wanna say" he turned away from me. "Come on Legolas" I gave him puppy eyes as he turned to face me. I knew he couldn't resist it. Legolas responded with mumbling, looking at the ground. "Legolas, whatever it is, we can fix it. His eyes were filled with shame and embarrassment. "I was playing with my daggers and swinging them around. And I accidentally ripped a small hole in my pants" it took everything I had to conceal the laughter trying its hardest to escape my mouth. "I'm sure we can sew it up" I let out a small chuckle as he started fidgeting with the small rip on his right thigh.

"Oh you think it's funny?" my heart stopped in fear at his comment until he lightly pushed me back on the bed and began tickling me. He didn't stop until I threatened to summon water again and drop it on his face. "Legolas we gotta go now" I straightened up my hair as we grabbed our things and headed for Lord Elrond's study room to say goodbye.

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