39 The Chance To Start New

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I packed up all of my belongings out of Theodred's room and headed for the folding screen to take down, for no one was to use it. "Keep it up, 'tis a reminder" his calm voice filled my ears. I smiled at the gesture, leaving the folding screen in its spot and making my way to the bags. The moon was out among thousands of stars, perfect time of day for Theodred and I to move our belongings outside of Edoras.

Sneaking out of the Golden Hall was easy since people were gathering in the tavern downtown, but passing through our exit out of Edoras was much trickier than usual. 

Theodred had urged me to go first, which I did in the small amount of time that offered opportunity. I had made it to the other side of Edoras' borders and waited for Theodred to soon join me. "Any second now" I hid behind some nearby rocks to stay hidden from the patrolling guards.

Minutes had passed as I let out of sight, and still no Theodred seen outside of Edoras' borders. My entire body froze as I heard rustling from just behind me. "What are you waiting for?" I relaxed at the familiar sound. "We must head for the hidden tunnel quick" Theodred grabbed his bags and some of mine, running ahead of me. I picked up the remaining items and ran away from Edoras, not looking back but once. I grew near him as I picked up my pace, excited to share the news I bring to the White Council.

The bright stars and full moon just above our heads lit our path to the tunnels, for we wished to reach them with no problem. I could see the faint outline of the cave and its surrounding trees, giving me the motivation and strength to run faster. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I began running twice the speed Theodred was going. "Sorry Theo, just an elven gift" I called back to him. I quickly reached the cave and sat to wait for Theodred to meet me, not taking too terribly long.

"You must remember Latalia, that I am still human and can only run so fast" he laid roughly onto the rock next to me, taking a moment to catch his breath. I let him rest a minute before we continued our journey and entered the cave. The temperature dropped from the moment I stepped foot into the dark, damp cave. "Careful" he walked ahead of me and began banging an object I could not see. Within moments of his actions, the cave was lit with light from a torch Theodred now held.

"Just needed friction" he brushed back his messy, dirty blonde hair and lead the way to Rivendell. I snickered at his method of lighting the torch and followed behind him down our designated path. "Should be just a few hours if we hurry." I shivered at the cool around me and pulled my cloak closer. "Good."


It had been around an hour since Latalia clinged to my side on our journey. The screams and wails of Moria Orcs frightened her, for the noises were louder to her ears, she claimed. We were approaching the entrance to the elven kingdom, the bright morning light shining against the cave walls. "There is the opening" adrenaline kept me moving to safety, for it was the only thing keeping me up on this long, tiresome journey.

The moment I stepped out into the bright sunlight with Latalia at my side, I felt my cold body being touched with the sun's warm, soft kisses. I took a deep breath into the sweet air of the mountainside and stretched my limbs and torso. "Feels so nice to be in the sunlight once again" I turned my head towards her to see Latalia hopping around in joy at all of the colorful flowers present. "They hold so much detail in every petal, it is absolutely beautiful." she knelt down to the gladiola flowers to examine them.

"Then shall I call you flower from now on" I walked over to where she now sat and looked into her bright green eyes. 

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