21 Don't Give Me Hope Where There Is None Part 1

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I woke up to the feel of GoldenBoy coming to a strong halt. I shot up, but careful not to fall off from the sudden motion. "Why are we stopped?" I looked around but Anayla jumped off of her horse and said nothing. "I'm sorry I could have sworn I was speaking the common language. I didn't realize I was speaking Sindarin again" I said, sarcasm lacing through every word that fell off of my tongue. "We are resting for a moment. We are not that far from Edoras anyway." Bennet started a small fire with nearby sticks. "Or maybe I should teach you how to sleep on a horse" I got off GoldenBoy and rummaged through my bag.

"Latalia, I suggest you not get independent while you are moving with me. If you make me deal with the attitude you have shown in the last day, I shall lock you in a closet in this new house as well" Bennet's words stung. "Worry not Latalia. Soon you will be rid of the man and mistress for eternity if you'd like" his deep, soothing voice filled my ears like music. I glanced around at my surroundings, and far away in the nearby fields, I saw him. Legolas was standing far enough that the humans could not see him, but I could. "I love you Latalia. My starlight gem" my cheeks felt hot as I blushed hard. "I love you too Legolas. My Prince" I whispered, careful for a certain mistress that may eavesdrop not to hear.

"Wait for them to sleep, then I can come to you" I smiled after hearing his idea. "Go ahead and get some sleep. I'll take watch since I already got rest" Bennet hesitated before nodding to Anayla. We had around an hour before the sun rose. As I looked back at the others, I saw Anayla had curled up into Bennet's chest, already asleep. She seemed to love him with all of her heart while his heart was focused on other things. She deserved better.

"Ma cherie, I need you. Will you catch me?" I said before letting my body fall backwards. I was met with those lovely toned arms holding my back up. His blonde hair dangled around his face, his icy blue eyes getting lost in mine as I did his. He lightly tossed me up so he was now holding me in his arms bridal style. Wanting this moment too much, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with such longing. He kissed me back, the same feeling of excitement and love circling through each other. "You don't understand how much I wanted this" I said between kisses. He set me down to stand on my own now. "As did I, my love. I cannot wait for you to officially be mine. That ring no longer around your neck but on this finger" he lifted and pointed to my left hand.

We laid for as long as we could in the grass, talking about what to do in Fangorn Forest, and where life may take us then. But our time was cut short when we heard Bennet begin to wake up, along with Anayla's snoring ceasing. I stood up from the ground and brushed grass off of my comfy clothing, Legolas doing the same. "Ma cherie, come here" I obeyed Legolas as he cupped my chin and kissed me slowly. Once we pulled away, we had just stood there for a little while. Our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes. More stirring from the others was heard so I closed my eyes as Legolas kissed my forehead. When I opened them again, he was gone.

"Let us get a move on already. And since she chooses to speak elvish, she will have to command our horses to ride fast" Anayla scoffed with great amount of attitude. "For your information human. These are elvish bred horses who are commanded by Sindarin, which I learned recently. So unless you learn it fluently, I will command your horse and his on how fast to go." with that I fed GoldenBoy an apple along with Arion and MoonMax. I hopped up onto GoldenBoy, making sure we were both comfortable for the journey.

"Noro Lim" I said to each horse, as we rode across the fields at great speed once again. The wind tossing my hair into the air felt great, making me feel more free than ever. I sat up on GoldenBoy and tried my best to keep balance. Then I slowly stood up on his back after making him slow down just a bit. Before I knew it, I was full standing atop the horse. I outstretched my arms like an eagle, feeling the wind surround me like the water. I felt as if I had been set free from a leash and cage I had known not of before.

"Please be careful, Latalia" Bennet's worried tone called me out of my mood, bringing me back to reality. I slowly made my way down back to sitting on the horse. "I may be harsh to you at times, but I do truly care" Bennet tried to act stern, but I could see his true soft self now, behind the hard exterior he chose to show everyone. "Thank you" I said softly to him, petting the groomed hair hanging from GoldenBoy.

For hours we rode across many fields, passing by quite a few landmarks. Yet we did not stop to rest, for we all knew how close we were to Edoras now. And at this moment, we just reached the gates to the Kingdom. "Could you tell King Theoden that Lord Merek Barton and lady Basilia Barton have arrived" a guard ran away from the gates to inform the King. I had forgotten until now that we had decided on new names when riding the day before. "Let them in" another guard shouted, opening their gates to us. As we rode through the streets of the city, many stares were exchanged between the people surrounding us.

"Mother, who is she?" I chuckled softly at the little girl wanting to learn more about me. We were lead to the Golden hall, where we were greeted by a young man. "Welcome Lord and Lady Barton. My name is Theodred, son of Theoden and heir to the throne. Come inside and meet with my father" we hopped off of our horses as nearby guards informed us of taking them to the stables. I placed my bag of belongings around my bodice and patted GoldenBoy goodbye. The doors in front of us opened to the thrones on the far wall. I was greeted with a puff of cool air as we stepped in and made our way to the king. "Welcome. I know of your journey here and have saved the home for you as requested by Olimar Jones." I tensed at my father's name.

"Why don't we show you to it and you three come for dinner here in the throne room tonight" we said our goodbyes before being lead to our new home. The house was a small, cozy cabin in the corner of others. I walked up to the door, feeling the wooden frame around it. My fingers skimmed the polished wood, smooth to the touch. Bennet walking up behind me, I opened the door and entered my new home. The wooden floors did not creaked thankfully as I ventured around the cottage.

The house opened up to a formal parlor once you walked in, fully furnished. It held fur covered sofas and chairs, all facing a big fireplace to the right. Past the parlor was a small kitchen and dining room. The entire first floor gave off a feel of comfort, which helped ease my guard. I walked up wooden stairs on my left, the second floor consisting of a bathroom and bedroom. There lay a big bed covered in furs under a bay window, and a small cot lay on the opposite side of the room. I set my bag onto the cot, assuming the mistress would sleep in the bigger bed with my forced husband.

"I am going to find the stables. The horses need to be released now" without waiting for the two to protest, I began to head downstairs. "Wait, my bag" I jogged back up retrieving my bag, and heading out of the house. I was immediately greeted by the cool wind as I stepped outside. I glanced around at the streets before stopping a villager to ask for help. "Excuse me miss, could you tell me where the stables are please?" she nodded, offering me her hand. She guided me down the hill the city lay upon, showing me straight to the stables. I thanked her as she continued on her previous path in the opposite direction.

"Hey GoldenBoy" I rubbed just below his eyes as he nuzzled my face with his nose. I greeted MoonMax and Arion as well before releasing them from their stalls. "I brought all three of you treats" I pulled out sweet gala apples and fed them to each horse.

"They are pretty. Elven bred horses they are" I turned to see a woman leaning against a stable post. "My name is Eowyn, niece of the king" she gave a small curtsy before walking over to Arion. "I am Basilia Barton" I returned the curtsy, introducing her to each elven horse as well. "I have only seen one of these kind before. The horse was named Asfaloth, ridden by a fair elven maiden." she pet Arion lightly. "Arwen" I sighed. I had not known she has visited Edoras.

Hey, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I just want to list the men in The Lord of The Rings that are cute and should get more recognition for their beauty and character:

Haldir, Theodred, Lindir, and Eomer. Just to name a few. Carry on with your day.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now