3 Feasting And The Art Of Escaping

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Along the tub lay glass bottles labeled with different fragrances. All items necessary were present to me and right as I was sniffing the Lavender scent, a few knocks on my door made me slightly jump. I opened the door to an elf carrying a robe.

"My name is Baeltrice and I was sent to help you get dressed and ready for the feast tonight. When you are ready for me, ring this and I shall come." she handed me a small bell. "I shall leave the door unlocked for you then" She shut the door and I got ready to undress.

For my own comfort I found a folding screen in a corner with beautifully detailed leaves on it and set it in between the tub and the chamber door. I did not want to risk someone unwanted walking in, as I was to keep the door unlocked for Baeltrice.

I poured in the water a liquid of vanilla scent as it formed many bubbles in the tub. The warm water pulled me into a comforting hug as I slid in and cleansed myself. I washed all remaining bits of nature from my hair as I remembered the prank Akita pulled earlier that day. I began to hum a familiar tune as I enjoyed the relaxation of the wonderful bath. The humming turned into singing. I rubbed the bubbles all over my body as I sang the Siren's Song I had heard so much as a child.

"You have a beautiful singing voice" I sank into the water immediately to hide my bare body. "I am sorry to intrude, but you had left something behind in the corridors of the palace and thought to retrieve it for you." "Who are you? And please do not come beyond the folding screen, for I am in the bath." I reached for my robe after drying myself off to hop out of the bath real quick.

After I was decent, I stood before a young elf guard who had long brown hair like mine. The same guard that Legolas informed to fetch my things. "Sorry my lady, please forgive me. My name is Lenenzo. If you truly need anything call for me and I shall hear." He took off his helmet as I could now fully see his well featured face. Wow, all elves are breathtaking I spoke to myself. "It is alright, thank you for bringing me my missing items." he smiled, then said goodbye and left.

Since I had around three quarters of an hour left, I hopped back into the tub and enjoyed the water once again. I have always felt connected to the water, which I always assumed I got from living in Laketown.

A little while Later, I cleaned up from the bath and rang the small bell as I looked through the many dresses I had in my chamber. Baeltrice helped me pick out a lovely dress for tonight since I could not choose. She helped me slip the dress on and tighten the waist with silk ribbons in the back. A of a beautiful blue hue to keep elegant, yet simple for the feast.

The soft fabric hung off of my shoulders with long bell sleeves. The dress clung to my bodice, showing off all of my beautiful curves and hung loose below the hip. Baeltrice laced marvelous braids within my hair and helped me with a vintage white jemmed necklace. I glanced in the mirror and did a double take at myself. I looked absolutely amazing and couldn't wait for the feast with the king.

4 knocks shook the door so I thanked Baeltrice for helping and hurried over to the door. If it was humanly possible, correction. Elvenly possible then I would have sworn Akita's and Lenenzo's jaws had dropped to the floor. "you look great" Akita said as I took his outstretched arm. Lenenzo had left us as him and I made our way to where the feast would be held.

I was lead into a large, open room with beautiful wooden pillars. Illustrations of elves and woodland creatures were carved into every wooden surface holding the roof to the room. Balconies overlooking the kingdom surrounded a huge table in the middle. I stood in awe as I stared at the chandelier made of starlight gems hanging over where we would be dining.

"Welcome Latalia, I do not believe we have met." Kili Durin came up to my as I curtsied in the new dress. I couldn't help but blush at him remember the crush I had on this man when I was younger. As I glanced around the room, everyone seemed to enjoy each others company as we all sat down. Then King Thorin himself walked in and apologized for being a tad late.

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