14 Time With You Is Always Worth Any Lifetime

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I wore small boots under the dress, perfect for hiking through Mirkwood. Many small animals trailed next to us in response to my patterned whistle. "How can you summon animals?" Legolas looked at all woodland creatures following.

A fox, which was my favorite animal, some birds and rabbits had walked with us now. "Something I picked up when I was very young. We always had this dusty book kept on a bookshelf no one went to. But I picked up the book at around age eight. I studied the calls and how to give these animals feelings. I can create concoctions to make them feel happiness, whether I can sense pain or because I am in a good mood. Although I think the only way any of it worked was because of my relation to Radagast who does the same thing." he looked at me intently, wonder filling his gaze.

"So you were what was healing those animals" he nodded, putting it all together. "Yes, I heal more than give the feelings" we continued our long walk, smiling at some animals I had recognized as ones I have helped.

"Shouldn't be much longer before we make it to where I want to take you" he pulled me closer to his right side, wrapping his arm around my waist. The walk was so peaceful as small chirps filled my ears. The smell of something sweet caught my attention, looking in awe at the scene set to the left of me. Legolas really had gone all out with this picnic.

On the grass lay a big, baby blue quilt, covered in embroidered leaves. There was an unpacked crate, the items it once held, now sprawled out in the middle of the quilt. Lembas wrapped in their leaves laid in a neat pile between the crate and the delicately made chocolate cake. Atop the cake was "Will cin ber nin cín bor na n- wed, mui mel?" written in carefully placed powdered sugar.

Behind the desert and off of the quilt, a stew slowly brewed in a kettle over a small fire. More pastries and savory foods decorated the quilt's spaces as we made our way to sit on spots of blue that weren't crowded.

Legolas and I talked about our best memories as we enjoyed our potato stew and small meat pies. T'was about noon as we finished up until remembering of the desert. "Legolas, what does that say on the cake?" my eyes never left the beautiful design written on the cake.

"Latalia Mae Jones, my love" I turned to ask why he full named me, but I swear my heart stopped for a few seconds as I turned around. Legolas was down on one knee, holding a small bag in his hand.

"The cake reads 'Will you promise me your hand to be wed, my love?'" He then stood up, placing his left hand in my hands. "I know you are to be married to the man, but that does not mean we cannot some time." Tears filled my eyes, as I was feeling happier than ever, and thinking back to what Thranduil had said to me.

"I would love to Legolas Thranduilion, my love" I returned his words as we both smiled hard, shedding few tears. Legolas pulled a necklace out of the small bag he still held. On the chain, lay an absolutely jaw dropping, beautiful ring.

The item was made of a bright silver, engraved to resemble an object I couldn't recall. I know I have seen it before though. The stone in the middle was a beautiful blue diamond, rare to Middle Earth. Legolas walked behind me to place the chain around my neck. "This shall be your promise ring, as I have mine" I turned to him holding the ring on the chain as he pulled a matching one out from being tucked under his tunic.

"Oh Legolas, I cannot wait the day that our love is to become official" I hugged him, breathing in his forest scent. I shortly pulled away as a new thought came to mind. "But how are we to propose this plan?" Legolas decided to sit for this question, I joined him waiting patiently for an answer.

"Well we can somehow work it out here today or tomorrow before you go back, or wait till after you fake your death". "And I can set a woman up to convince Bennet to remarry as soon as possible after I leave" he nodded, agreeing with my idea that originally came from Thranduil.

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