6 Interrogation Is A Snooze Fest

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I entered my room as Legolas hugged me before leaving me to change. Akita must've known I had arrived back, for Lorelai was back in my room. I played with her for a bit before throwing on simple leather pants with engraved vines and a comfortable long sleeved green shirt. I like the color scheme the elves prefer. Very similar to nature. My thoughts were interrupted by someone talking outside of my balcony. I slowly walked out to realize the men were nowhere near my balcony, but were talking loud enough.

"No, you can't do that. It's cheating, you're her escort." one man said to the other who happened to be Lenenzo. "Yeah well you're just saying that because I'm the only one willing to go into her room and snoop around." he scoffed as they continued to talk about some bet. Apparently the guards were betting who could retrieve my bag from my room with my herbs and other belongings. I had hid the bag for reasons I feared, like this one.

Without being noticed, I hurried back into my room and over to the very small corner behind the bathtub. My bag wasn't there. "One of the guards must've come in while I was on my walk with Legolas." I shuffled to my door, opening my door and quietly calling his name, hoping he would hear me.

I could hear distant footsteps as Legolas showed up at my door before I pulled him in. Closing the door I turned to him worried for my bag and a little mad at Legolas. "Did you bring me on a walk to distract me? Did you kiss me just so your guards could come in and steal my belongings?" I hissed at him. "Latalia, I haven't a clue of why I should distract you from anything" he looked hurt and a bit taken back as I accused him of something very rude.

I explained what I had heard as I could tell he felt angry with his people's actions.

"I shall gather all guards within the palace to find out who was a part of the bet and who has your things" he stormed out of the room as I tried to catch up to him. We rushed to the throne room as Legolas told Thranduil of the bet. Thranduil kept glancing back at me, and calling nearby guards to rally the others to meet in the throne room. "Latalia, I advice you stay in my chamber as Legolas and I handle the matter of interrogation" before I could protest, a guard helped me to the kings room.

As I entered and the doors closed behind me, I stood in one spot, admiring how huge and beautiful this bedroom was. It had to of been three times the size of mine and much more fit for a king. I must say though, I was jealous when I saw Thranduil had a much bigger tub. It was practically a swimming pool. Avoiding disturbing much in the room, I sat on a sofa next to a warm fireplace and tried to get some extra sleep.

It had been few hours since I dozed off as the chamber door opened softly. The slight sound made me shoot up from the sofa, getting ready to defend myself if needed. My body relaxed as tension melted away at the sight of Akita coming to sit with me. "I was looking for you and Legolas told me you were to stay in here as they were trying to find who took your bag." He pulled me next to him so I could rest on him to sleep again. "What did you see?" I asked looking up at him. "A Lot of shouting. Guards being sent to the prison cells below, Legolas threatening to kill whoever lies about the bet involving you and where your bag may be."He stared into the fire as I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly fell back asleep.


Hours into the interrogation, still no bag. Many guards that had to do with the bet were sent to cells but none admitted to having the bag. As ada took over, I went into his room to check on Akita and Latalia. I walked over to the sofa to notice Akita's head atop Latalia's, as he snored. They look like little brother and sister I sofly chuckled. I sat on a chair near the sofa as I myself tried to get a little bit of sleep in. I was up the entire night trying to find the getaway Latalia talks about in the woods. I had no luck, not until I ask Akita.

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