23 Passing The Time

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I have lived in my new home with Bennet and Anayla for over a week now. The time mainly consists of Bennet and I acting like a happy betrothed couple when in public. But when it turns nightfall, I go to hunt, train, or ride to get away from Anayla's love time. Being in the same house as them when they were intimate was repulsive, so I prefer not to be in the home when the moon is up anymore.

I am standing on one of the training fields, my sight focused on my moving target. Over the past few days, I played with some mechanisms and made a pulley system that moves the targets across the fields in random paces and directions. I took a step back with my right foot, getting in the proper position as I pulled back my throwing arm. In my right hand, I now held my dagger, aiming carefully for the fake heart of one of the targets. Yet just as I went to throw it, my wrist was suddenly caught, forcing me to drop the dagger.

"Careful with that dagger" Theodred looked down at my weapon that was now plunged into the dirt right in front of my feet. "Still no hope?" I loudly sighed and shook my head at his question. "Nope. Have not even seen Legolas' shadow in many days. I believe he has left. Maybe he will be back for the time I escape here." I pulled the dagger from the ground and aimed for another target. As my heart rate slowed, I grabbed three smaller daggers from my tall boots and began throwing all of my weapons at times opposite of my heartbeat for accuracy.

"You're getting better at combat from a distance Latalia. But you need to learn close combat" within a second, Theodred knocked me on my back and held the point of his sword at my neck. "You must call me Basilia here Theodred. And I have practiced." I smirked. Before he could move, I grabbed the sword's blade with my feet and twisted it out of his hand. I then tossed it aside carefully using my legs and proceeded to getting up. I looked back to see Theodred standing in the middle of the field, surprised by my skill.

"It's just a simple combination of running around with elves and flexibility" I wiped off any dirt I had on my simple hunting outfit. "Well why don't you show me what else you are capable of" I heard him unsheath his own sword from his belt, indicating I needed to pick up the blade from the ground. "If you wish, but I am still a beginner with wielding it." I picked up the blade, but quickly lowered it, as it was too heavy for my liking. "There's more in the shed over there" Theodred began chuckling at my action. The walk to the small building thankfully wasn't long.

I opened the wooden doors to the shed holding the weapons for training. I walked forward to some swords propped up and began looking for one I felt comfortable using. I inspected the blades, noticing they had been made dull for training specifically. As the light from a window bounced off of the blade, it shined onto an object that caught the corner of my eye. I turned and reached out to the space that was once lit by my sword's reflecting light. My fingers traced a soft fabric, silk-feeling. I picked up the fabric and held it in the light, gasping lightly at what I had discovered.

In my hands I held a silk flag consisting of a beautiful mix of blue and green hues. On the flag, an elven lady wearing very intricate armor, holding a dagger in her left hand, and a big drop of liquid in her right hand. At her feet lay a fox, seeming to cuddle up to her. The tapestry was breathtaking, giving every detail where it is properly needed. "It was found many years before my time in northern Rohan." Theodred scared me with his sudden presence.

"You have got to stop sneaking up on me in such a hushed manner" I huffed, earning a small laugh from him. I quickly tucked the flag into my bag I always carried around, and grabbed my sword. "Are you ready to practice or are you just going to wait to sneak up on me once more" I brushed past him, leaving the shed and heading back to where I stood before. I held up my sword, once more examining it in the moonlight before running up to a thick target and attacking. The target was stuffed with tough material for sword fighting. I swung at it to my right, then pulling out the sword, twisting my body and doing the same to the other side. I quickly dropped to the ground with my sword and began hitting it lower as if the target were swinging high, back at me. "Yes, you need practice" Theodred said in a tone of pity.

For around two hours, I was out on the field dodging Theodred's hits and struggling to hit him back and defend for my own life. We decided to retire the activity for the day when our blades glowed with the light of the morning sun. "You best be going. I know why you stay out under the moon most nights, but now 'tis time you return" Theodred patted my back in reassurance as I rolled my eyes. "I am already tired of what I am to live with." I walked to the shed to lay down my sword as he followed. "Then stay with us for the nights. I have an extra cot in my room." he stopped our walking and turned me to look at him. "You can stay for as long as you like and not have to worry about Bennet." he held such hope in his eyes, not even a tad bit of pity.

I pulled away from his gaze. "Theodred, I cannot. Even if I yearn to be rid of him, what if Legolas comes looking for me and I am asleep in your room?" I headed forward to the shed, placing my sword on its stand and walked back to the statue-like Theodred. "Thank you for wanting to help" I stoop on the tips of my feet and kissed his cheek lightly for reassurance. He smiled warmly before offering to walk me to my home. I accepted his arm as we went along the stone path back to the village houses. "I assume your next lesson is later this night again?" he asked. I nodded before saying goodbye and heading inside my house.

I walked over tiredly to our kitchen, grabbing eggs I had stored. Since the couple upstairs cared not for basic needs it seemed, or knew I would take care of things, I was the one to provide the food. I pulled out the proper pans and ingredients needed for breakfast for three. Dicing up mushrooms I had collected not long ago took much more concentration than usual when I could barely hold my eyes open. I had not slept for days besides very small naps here and there. I saved the night for training, ready to battle if ever needed.

I placed the omelets on the dining table, calling for the other two to come down and eat. I did not wait for them to come down the stairs slowly, for I had already scoffed down my food. "She's back" Anayla said with a hint of annoyance, rubbing her eyes from her slumber. "She must have gone out roaming again, not stopping to sleep or return home" Bennet added, taking a seat across from me at the table. His right arm wrapped around Anayla, but his leg laced its way around my own. I glared at the scandalous man, forcefully taking my hand in marriage, and betraying his mistress with his true feelings.

"I prefer to roam around under the moon." I sipped from my cup of water. "Well you don't get much sleep" Bennet said. "Neither do you two I bet. It's why I leave" I mumbled, wishing I knew not of what they did instead of sleep. He glared at me dangerously, assuming he heard my comment. I took my plate to the sink to clean it, trying to avoid the tension I had just caused. I make sure at night they do not know I train to leave and fight. They just know that I walk around and visit the horses occasionally, or even stay with Eowyn who as well is a true night owl.

"Why don't you go out and roam again, hm?" Anayla said, cuddling up to Bennet who began nibbling at her neck. I believe I just vomited in my mouth a tad. "Actually I had already planned it" I dropped the plate on the counter, grabbing my bag I had taken off earlier and headed for the door. "I'm going out to shop" I held a bag of money in my hand, smirking to the couple. I made sure to escape the house quickly before either one of them could come after me to retrieve the currency. The streets were filled with villagers performing daily routines, unlike how the town had looked just a little bit earlier.

I joined the crowd, walking amongst everyone the way I had done every morning since moving here over a week ago.

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