34 Concealing Oneself Is A True Challenge

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I sat back in my seat, careful not to portray my true, hurt feelings of the story. I leaned forward in my seat and continued my meal slowly. Much time had passed as small conversations filled the room whilst we feasted. The king and Eomer was discussing the Riddermark horses until Grima ran into the room frantically.

 "My lord, please forgive me. But you are urgently needed in the village. You have been requested by a dying woman" Theoden's expressions changed from relaxed into worry quicker than I could run. Theoden excused himself before running out of the Golden Hall and out to the woman.

"I shall go too. You can stay in my chambers Basilia." Theodred stood up and joined his father who wasn't too far ahead of him. I shifted in my seat until I felt Eomer's leg nudge mine under the table. "We know not of what this matter may consist of. They will lock the front doors with the king gone." Eomer said in a serious stern tone, but I caught him wink at me and then stand up. "Basilia, may you excuse yourself from the table to walk with me." I nodded before standing up and heading for him. 

I followed him down a new hall that sloped down into the ground. The further Eomer and I walked through the corridor, the colder the air felt around me.

Eomer came to a halt next to a torch on a wall and pushed on the wall. A dim light began to crack through the wall, showing a secret door Eomer was now leading me through. "This will lead you to the village where they shall be if you travel to that far torch and push on the wall." I turned to Eomer and hugged him, taking him by surprise in my action.

 "You get me Eomer. You know the feeling of being trapped." I broke away before thanking him and traveling down the dark hall. The corridor was so quiet, I swore to myself I could hear my own heartbeat clearly. I slowly approached a small torch and place my hands on the wall in front of me.

The same light as earlier inched down the wall as another secret door pushed open, revealing the town I had desired to reach. 

I stepped into the open and closed the secret door behind me, revealing where it had led to. I now stood just inside of the Edoras' walls. I looked in the direction of the door and gazed at the Golden Hall up upon the hill. My state of awe was snatched away by the sound of screams nearby. I quickly ran towards the direction of the noise and found myself not far from the king and prince. I hid around the corner of a small village shop as I watched the woman that lay on the ground, screaming and crying.

"You must help her. We know not of how to handle this situation and fear her and the baby's death" a man pleaded at the king. I had now noticed why the woman seemed to be in pain as three women tried their best to comfort her. "You have done this before. You can help them." I muttered to myself, forcing my legs to carry me out of the shadow. "I can help" I paced quickly to the woman and searched the area. "Basilia, you were to stay in the Golden Hall" Theodred ran over to my side, looking me dead in the eye. "I cannot lose you again from letting you escape my sight" his eyes now filled with plead and sorrow.

"I know Theodred, but I must do this. I have done it before and I have the chance of saving this woman and her child." I turned back to the woman and knelt to her side to inform her of my intentions. "Does anyone have a separate outfit I may wear for the procedure?" I asked the villagers now crowding respectively around us. I watched a man nod and run away from us as I demanded another man to get me the supplies I would need for the procedure. "Keep placing a wet cloth to her head until I am back" I urged the helping women as I was handed an old brown dress.

The man showed me to a nearby house as I changed into the raggedy dress and kept the beautiful white one in a safe place. I ran out of the house and over to the woman in labor and Theodred. "Theo, please run and bring me my bag of belongings quickly" he did not hesitate, for he knew of my herbs and what I was capable of. 

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