12 Second Home Part 2

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"Don't worry love, you have to go back in three days. Then if you want you can come back here" Legolas placed his hand on mine, smiling at me.

"But what about the arranged marriage?" I looked into his eyes, as if searching through them would give me the answer I desire. "The only good coming out of it is the fact that where we will move is close to Fangorn Forest." I sighed, wishing I did not have to worry about such an issue.

Before we could continue the discussion, we were called back to the table for dessert. Chocolate mousse was served, something mother used to make me for my birthday. I seemed to melt in my seat as I took a bite of the amazingly good food.

The feeling of nostalgia made me close my eyes and enjoy every little feeling my senses were presenting me with at the moment. All until I felt a leg run against mine from across the table. I shot my eyes open, a little too sudden for comfort.

A few glances from the others were gestured towards me as I sat up straight in my chair and shot Legolas a warning glare. In return I received a small chuckle from him that was quickly hushed.

He moved his leg away as he sat in silence from my swift kick to his shin. I smiled in victory as I continued to finish my dessert. Everyone around us had finished and some headed back to their chambers.

It was around 9:00 since we had a later feast, so I wanted to get to my chamber and take a nap. Then after I would get ready for my meet with Legolas.

I cleaned up my plate and headed back to my chamber, trying to slow down. I couldn't help the urge to run for long, I was eager to get back and get ready for tonight. I ran into my chamber and locked the door behind me, panting as I tried to catch my breath. I forgot the keeper was watching over Lorelai.

He laughed at my shock before leaving me with Lorelai. Without a second thought, I slipped into a cozy faded blue nightgown and took a small nap. I asked earlier for Baeltrice to come in at about two hours from now so hopefully she would wake me up.

"Miss, ready?" I shifted in my bed, not wanting to get up. But suddenly I sat straight up, remembering why I was to get ready. "I am to meet Legolas tonight and I am to wear my finest dress. What do you suggest?" she smiled before asking to be excused for a minute.

I watched as she ran off somewhere smiling. Minutes later she ran back in the room holding a box tied with ribbons.

She slowly opened it up and held up the most beautiful I have laid my eyes on. The dress was made of a bright white fabric that faded into a pink hue on the skirts of it. The white corset had lace around the top and held sheer white fabric to go over the arms. The sheer was also held by beautifully detailed lace. The off-the-shoulder dress made me speechless as I tried taking off my nightgown.

Baeltrice carefully helped me into the breathtaking dress, tying the ribbons in the back. I tried to hold back a squeal as I admired how well my bodice looked in this dress.

"You have just enough time to make it to the hill if you leave after I do your hair" I nodded remembering I told her where I was headed to. She put it into a nice braided bun, with curled pieces hanging down in all of the right spots.

I watched in the mirror as Baeltrice places a silver clip in the bun that resembled frosted berries on a branch in the winter. The piece went perfect with my outfit. "Now is a good time to go. If you do not know the way I can show you"

Baeltrice walked me to the hill as I thanked her and took the rest of the way alone. I reached the top and saw no one there. Four thoughts ran through my mind at that moment. I am at the wrong location, he has been kidnapped and this was a trick, I am early or he is late. I shrugged my worry away and just stared at the beautiful twinkling night sky.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now