2 New Faces New Places

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Stay Focused. Don't get noticed. You're almost there.

"Latalia come back this instant." my father's low voice called for another talk. It had been over a week since I met Akita. We grew close as I showed him how my herbal magic works and he told me of the palaces he switches back and forth from.

"Sit down dear, we must talk of your trip." my face lit up to the thought of the adventure, but the expressions on my parents' faces stayed as still as stone. I was wearing a simple short green dress with my brown leather pants along with the green cloak I always had. Great attire for running through the forest. All eyes including Josette's were on me as I walked to sit in the parlor chair closest to the fireplace.

"We waited to mention as to why you were to take this adventure." my mother started, fiddling with the small ribbons on her grey dress. "You are to be married and you and your husband shall live in Rohan, tis the adventure." my father added, trying his best to lighten the mood. Suddenly the room got too hot to bare, and not just from the fireplace.

"But I refuse. I shall not waste my youth on marriage yet, for I have my own dreams that no regular man shall let me obtain as long as I live under his roof." I huffed as I stood up to leave.

"You will be married to the man we have chosen in five weeks to this day." my father scolded at me, which just made me even more furious. I had enough. I jogged to the door as I grabbed my belongings, but once I opened the object holding me within the house, I ran. I had run straight into a figure standing in front of the door. I opened my eyes to notice a man who had already reached for my hand and placed a light kiss on it as a gesture.

"Hello Latalia, I am Bennet Forter, your future betrothed." he bowed as I jerked my hand back.

Without another word spoken, I pushed past him and ran to where I always meet Akita. I needed to escape.

As I ran down the Elven path and through the familiar bushes, I tripped over some object and fell onto the soft grass below me. Laughter rang through the forest as I stood up and turned around to see that Akita had set up wire at the entrance of the bushes.

"You scoundrel" I caught Akita off guard as I lunged at him, stopping the laughter. I tackled him to the ground as he pulled at my hair for me to stop. I let go of him as my hair hung messily around my face. Akita got up and took down the wire I previously tripped on as I started to remove my clothes a little at a time next to the pond. As I felt a pair of burning eyes on my back, I turned around to notice a red faced boy staring back at me. "Don't worry, I'm just gonna go for a small swim to wash the dirt off of me" I rolled me eyes as I started to remove my leather pants, cloak still on to protect my bare legs.

"Why don't I show you that way to the palace and you get cleaned up there" I turned my head with excitement, as I had waited for this moment. Without thinking twice, I dressed up and tried to brush the small blades of grass and leaves out of my hair. Akita had come over to braid my hair, as I wanted to look as presentable as possible. "I must warn though, King Thranduil can be intimidating, and please do not make him angry." he sighed as I fully understood.

There I stood. At the gates of the Woodland Realm palace. I tried to keep my cool as Akita and I were allowed passage into the kingdom. 'Twas a bunch of twists and turns and places I would easily get lost in to travel through before I saw his throne room from the distance. Akita must've sensed my nervousness as he squeezed my shoulder lightly for reassurance. I was now walking into the throne room as the King Thranduil himself sat on his high throne, looking down upon us.

"Good morning Akita, what is it you have brought with you?" The king eyed me as if trying to read my mind. "This is my good friend Latalia and I was wondering and she could stay a bit in the palace and clean up." I curtsied and looked down hoping I looked decent enough for the Elven King.

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