32 What Has Come To Pass Cannot Be Undone Part 2

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Many days pass within the walls of Edoras, but the time does not wither away Theodred's pain and sorrow. 

He blames her death on himself, for he was the one who agreed to make her a Rider of the Riddermark. Eowyn grows depressed alongside Theodred, for they knew Basilia very well. Basilia was Eowyn's only true friend besides her brother. The dagger still lay in Latalia's grasp as requested.

Three days after the passing of Latalia Mae Jones, the wind blew hot, the still waters thrashed. There was a calling of rebelliance in nature that no one could explain.

Theodred fought sleep hard to keep watch on Latalia. With each passing day, his sadness grew stronger, but so did his love for this woman he has known for many many years. He yawned loudly as he stretched in his seat next to her cot. He normally by now would rest back in his chair and stair into space, but something on Latalia caught his attention. He drew near to her dagger and noticed a new shine to it. "Water" he whispered as his hand was lifted an inch away from the blade, ready to feel of it.

Theodred pulled away suddenly and gasped as the dagger began to tremble in Latalia's grasp. Shortly after, the blade fell to the ground with a loud clang. Suddenly the wind was howling louder than he had known possible, to the point it knocked over a nearby bowl as water trickled on the ground. The water began doing the impossible as it snaked across the floor and up the legs of Latalia's cot. The snake continued closer to Latalia until it laced itself around her fingers. The water worked its way like vines around her entire body, until they were complete. It then made its way through each small engraving of her dagger until dripping once more unto the floor.

With the last drop to hit the floor silently, Latalia shot up in her bed. Theodred stood up from his chair and ran to her side, ready to hold her. Latalia gasped as she tried her best to regain the air that had once again entered her lungs.


I was walking barefoot through a forest, my bright white, thin dress blowing behind me in the wind. Birds chirped and small animals of the wood followed behind me as I continued down an unknown path. Suddenly, I stood in front of a stone figure, similar to a bird bath. 

I looked into it to see the reflection of Galadriel and Gandalf, also peering down into the water. "Latalia. You are between life and death. Something is holding you here until you are to fall to one side or the other to decide your fate. You used your dagger before you died, yet I cannot tell if the transition has come to pass." Galadriel's soft voiced comforted me as I wondered when I was to leave at any moment.

Gandalf stayed quiet as I pondered what to do next. "I need to find the tribe. I must be in the Fangorn Forest." I paced around the mirror. "How do you know that is what you are to do?" Gandalf asked. I stepped back to the water to see their faces. "I feel it, like a calling. But I must go now, for the sooner I find them, the sooner I can wake up." the water rippled on my end from a tear sliding down Galadriel's face. I stepped back and took in my surroundings quickly.

 The Fangorn forest in which I stood was quiet and calm. Each thick tree seemed to stare back at me, waiting for me to get lost forever.

Latalia, follow my calling a soft voice whispered in my ear. I turned to my right and began running swiftly past the thick roots waiting to trip and swallow me whole. The forest was filled with warning for those who wish not to die. I cared not for its spooks and continued running toward the whisper calling my name. It wasn't till I came to a small spring that I had stopped to rest for a moment. After checking the water for anything unwanted, I began to sing the Siren Song and lifted water to my cupped hands. I took a few sips before calling nearby birds to it as well.

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