35 Have I Done Something Wrong?

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I had awoken from a deep slumber to the calming sound of rushing water. I opened my eyes and sat up, remembering I had fallen asleep next to the river. Yet when I had looked around, I noticed I was not laying anywhere near the location of last night. "Theodred?" I called out but no one was around to hear. I began to panic as I drew my knees to my chest and started to sing.

 Soon the water was rising rapidly up the water back and at my feet. I shut my eyes tight, imagining the water creating a shield all around me.

I sang louder and louder as I tried to use the noise to focus on my location. I started to wonder of where I may be. Once I stopped singing, I opened my eyes to notice the water barrier that surrounded me. "Where am I. Galadriel, can you hear me? Can anyone?" as if answering my call, a familiar transparent figure appeared just outside of my barrier.

 "Legolas" the water instantly dropped at my mental command as I stared at the elf. "Hello Latalia. I have missed hearing your voice so much, and seeing your face" his eyes softened.

"Legolas, before you continue do you happen to know where I am? I mean I understand that is a very hard question to ask you." he peered around at my surroundings. "You seem to be downstream from Edoras. Near the secret tunnels to Rivendell" I sighed in relief. "Latalia, before I go at any second, there is something I must tell you. Berenin and I have been working for days to find some way out of this dungeon, but there is no hope. I shall not leave here until Baeltrice knows you have moved on from me. You must move on to set me free, even if you put on your best act and be with Theodred. Take any measures to convince everyone of your love shared with Theodred. I love you Latalia, and I wish it didn't come-" galloping nearby caught my attention as I turned to face the noise.

"I had forgotten. Legolas only stays when I am focused" my placed my palm on my forehead as the sound of a horse grew near. "Latalia" I looked up to see him. "Where have you been Theodred, and why did you leave me somewhere I had not recognized" I stomped towards him, fuming with anger. 

"I would smack you upside your pretty little head right now if it wasn't for you riding atop a horse." I stood below him, arms on my hips. "Latalia" he hopped down from the animal and stood next to me.

"Do you remember anything from last night, Alia? You awoke in the early hours talking about how you needed to go to Rivendell immediately. You ran down the stream looking for the secret passage, but I caught up to you. I held you here and cooed you back to sleep. And why I left? I ran back home as quick as I could for an emergency. I am sorry for leaving you." I sighed, sorry for being so harsh.


Latalia had just fallen asleep in my arms, her breathing slowing as she laid her head on my chest. I too had fallen into a slumber shortly after her.

I shot awake at the feeling of Latalia stirring. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Latalia, what are you doing?" The woman who just lay in my arms now paced in circles near the water. She was mumbling small words, yet no matter how hard I tried I could not decipher them. "Latalia" I stood up and walked to hold her arm, but she jerked away and continued mumbling. 

"Stop it Bennet. I will leave you forever." she stormed off down the stream. "Latalia, I am not Bennet." I ditched our belongings in hopes to catch up with her.

"I am going to a secret place leading to an elven kingdom. I am going to meet Theodred and Akita there, and never see you again. I want you out of my life Bennet." she yelled back at me, quickening her pace into a run downstream. I could not find an explanation as to why she was acting in such a way.

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