36 Days Of Sorrow And Torture

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"I have failed." I muttered, laying against the stone wall. My body ached with pain and longing to fight back. I had just got done talking to Latalia once again, and she was crying. The dreamwalk did not last long, for I was awoken by a guard banging on my new cell's bars. "Get up and get out here or I will break another rib." the guard spat. I had not seen Berenin in a long while, having me lose hope of escape.

I held the left side of my rib cage with my right arm carefully as I stood up from the ground. The scraping of metal against stone filled my ears, alerting me that the door was open and it was time for me to step out. "Step out royal scum" I dropped my arms to my side, the metallic scent of blood slightly stinging my nose. I shuffled out of the cell and onto Baeltrice's room like usual.

"We go at this everyday Legolas. It shall not be too much longer till you give in. You either need to let go of Latalia completely, meet her in person and leave her hating you, or meet her and we kill her." I could no longer think straight from the blood loss from my side as I waited for the wound to heal. My hands were stained with the rusted colored body fluid, with a smell that filled the room. "I shall do none of those." I spat at Baeltrice.

"Fine, if you shall have it your way, we will have it ours." with the flick of her eyes, guards grabbed me and carried me back to my cell. The daily routine.


Days have passed and left me, but not even a little bit of the sorrow was carried along with it. I now lay by the familiar stream, playing with the water. I could have sworn the water level had risen by the amount of tears of mine that had entered the stream. "This is not mine." I had pulled out my valuable dagger, and examined its design closely.

 "Maybe the right person may find it down the water." I carefully set the blade into the water and watched it float downstream, slightly surprised that it float on the surface.

I closed my eyes and laid back on the soft green grass, enjoying the warmth I was receiving from the sun. This may be the best I have felt since the first breakdown.

 "Heads up" the voice scared me, causing me to jump of from the ground. Before I could respond, I was met with something wet to my face repeatedly. I finally opened my eyes to see Lorelia standing tall in front of me. Behind my elk stood my best friend Akita.

"Oh I have missed you so much" I ran towards him and engulfed him in the tightest hug I have given. "I talked with Theodred, for he is the reason I am here with you" I stepped back, I felt shameful for an odd reason. "He cares deeply for you Alia. He fears you may do something regretful, like this." 

In Akita's hand was my dagger, the item I had thrown out of my life. "Take it from me now and keep it or I get to keep Lorelia" my elk walked over to the two of us at the sound of her name.

"She has grown big since I last was in Mirkwood" I rubbed behind each ear, knowing she loved that. "Yeah, she plays with the others in the gardens often.". Akita and I spent quite a while catching up as I explained why I was so sorrowful. He gave me multiple pep talks as to why I should keep hope with me, which I listened in on of course.

"Theodred wanted to talk to me before I was to leave, shall I meet you later inside Edoras?" I nodded as Akita walked off, taking Lorelia with him. I sighed and leaned next to the water below me, staring into the face that stared back. My cheeks left faded trails from where tears once fell rapidly. My eyes were an even brighter green in contrast to my blotchy red face. Leaning over the stream caused my ring to fall out from underneath my clothes, revealing the object so dear to me.

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