11 Second Home Part 1

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The time is noon as we arrived in Mirkwood. I had not rested since that nightmare. "I'm just going to go straight to my chamber and rest" Legolas nodded, surprised I actually talked. The trip was quiet as guilt got the best of me.

"Latalia! You're back!" Akita attacked me into a hug. "Hey! I missed you more than you know Akita. Can you just help me to my room please" I couldn't hold my weight up as he held me in a hug.

"Here I got ya" without warning, Akita threw me over his shoulder and ran down many corridors. My door opened as he set me down and I thanked him. "I would love to hang out after I take a long nap if you don't mind" he nodded and closed my door to leave me.

I didn't even want to change as I took off my gear and fell onto the bed. Once I made contact with it, I was out like a light.

Hours had passed, and I was woken by kisses all over my face. "Legolas stop" I blushed trying to go back to sleep. I turned over squinting my eyes before jumping back. "Lorelai, that was you giving me kisses?" I hugged her, I had missed my pet while I was gone. "She kept sneaking back into this room while I tried my best to keep her in mine while you left." Akita stepped in, glad I was awake now.

He sat on my bed with me, snickering. "what?" I shot him a confused glance, but he continued to chuckle.

Akita cleared his throat, and did his best impression of me. "Oh Legolas, stop kissing my face before I melt in your arms" Akita squealed like a little girl, trying to mock me as best as possible.

"I was called?" Akita and I stared at the elf in the door, then stared at each other, and began to laugh so hard that both our sides began to ache. "Oh nothing" I wiped tears from my eyes from laughing too hard.

Legolas winked at me before walking off. I watched him leave until I turned and saw a staring Akita, not taking his eyes from mine. "What?"

"Are you and Legolas together?" his eyebrows raised, waiting for me to answer. "Why would you say that? Maybe I like someone else." I focused on petting Lorelai to get off of the subject. "Latalia, you're such a bad liar" I huffed in defeat and nodded, confirming his question.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Legolas were a thing" he playfully punched my arm as I blushed. Before I could answer, Tauriel called for Akita in the distance. "Coming" he rolled his eyes before apologizing for having to leave. I decided to take this alone time to take a well needed bath.

I rung my small bell as Baeltrice showed up at my door, smiling with towels in her hands. "I'm glad you're back Miss. I went ahead and brought you some fresh towels" I took them and placed them neck to the tub. "Also Miss, I have a letter for you" she handed me a folded piece of paper before leaving and locking my door behind her. I unfolded the letter and read the note.


I hope to meet you under the moon tonight at the gazebo atop the hill. The exact one where you ripped your dress. Wear your finest dress and I will wear my finest attire, ma cherie. See you at midnight.

Love, Legolas

I clutched the note in my hand as a deep blush crept up on my cheeks. I poured in the same vanilla scented liquid into my hot bath before stepping in. Warm shivers traveled all over my body as I sunk into the water.

I let my mind imagine as I thought of the shivers being Legolas' fingers. I washed my hair and bodice, washing away all of the negativity from the trip I took. Memories with Legolas ran through my head as I imagined what would happen under the moon tonight.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now