5 Seeing Sparks

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"Radagast, Latalia is your granddaughter." I looked up to him but he was just as clueless as I.

"Chastine never had children, for his life was devoted to protecting Arda only." protested Radagast, racking his brain of all these possibilities. He then stopped in his tracks as if something came across his mind.

"You know of a little girl who Chastine had been fond of" Galadriel was again reading minds. This must of meant he has been around lately. He may even be looking after her.

"What about the Gallagtolan elf?" Radagast questioned, as I had frowned.

"She is not a Gallagtolan elf. She was given the dagger but must have no relation to it. I shall let her keep it as it is one of the only things she has close to family." I paused feeling defeat wash over me. "There must be another Gallagtolan elf somewhere" I mumbled.


I want a baby elk of my own.

"If you want, you can keep the elk with you. The mother did not make it and the elk are in need of nurturing." Thranduil spoke as he walked by Akita and I. We shared a glance before guiding the elk to our chambers. Three of them going to Akita's room and one coming with me. I decided the one would be enough, since I had no idea of how long I may be in this palace.

"Since you are a girl, you shall be named Lorelai" I cradled the small elk in my arms. "That's a lovely name" his voice rang so smoothly throughout my room. I looked up at my open door to see Legolas standing in the doorframe, admiring the sight.


"Come see her, she is absolutely adorable" she smiled down at the animal. As are you I thought to myself, walking over to the two. The elk was clumsy, but that only made it even more cute. I looked into Latalia's eyes as she played with Lorelai. Her face held so much beauty, and even more when she was happy and content.

"I can feel you looking at me" her comment caught me off guard as I turned to a familiar book on her bed. "I've skimmed through that book before. You must be wanting to know about the Gallagtolan Tribe." I assumed.

"How did you know that, out of all the elves listed in the book?"

"I just guessed. You must have gotten it from my father and he has done plenty of research on the elves." I shrugged. "Would you like to go for a walk, my lady?" her face lit up at my question.

"I will change real quick if you can take Lorelai to Akita please" she started rummaging through her wardrobe.


I pulled out a lovely, coral colored gown that was simple enough for a walk around the kingdom and the forest. The neckline went to the end of my shoulders with long bell sleeves as the rest of the dress fit snuggly. I walked out of the chamber and wrapped my arm around Legolas' that he held out for me at the door. As I walked close to him to exit the corridors, I could smell his lovely, natural forest scent. We walked into a beautiful courtyard filled with ponds, various flowers and plants, and small animals. There were also statues of elves, some looking very familiar. Recognizing one, I quickly unlinked my arm from Legolas and ran to the statue of a young elf prince. "Legolas Thranduilion" I smiled as the name flowed so well off of my lips.

"It's embarrassing. The statue doesn't capture how handsome I truly am" Legolas smirked and winked at me. "I can tell" I mumbled, hoping he wasn't listening in. I occasionally would pretend to find flaws in the resemblance by looking at him for a while, and back at the statue as if comparing the two. I only did this to have a good excuse to look at him for a while. Something about him lured him to me as I just wanted to feel his embrace forever.

"Latalia. I just want to get this out there, for I do not like to hold things back" he held out his arm for me to take as we walked through the extending gardens. "You are an extremely beautiful woman, I must say. And very curious I may add" he chuckled looking down at the stone path we walked along. "I was wondering if you would like to join me on a small trip to Bree, for I would love to have your company" I turned to him, stopping us where we stood. He took my hands in his, looking deeply into my eyes for a response.

"I would love to" I blushed. I wanted to kiss him right there, he was such a gentleman, and a great friend. Not that I just want to be friends. He smiled as his thumbs gently stroked the tops of my hands, sending shivers throughout my body.

"I would like to take you somewhere then" he lead me to a beautiful gazebo overlooking the forest, for it was perched atop a tall hill. "Latalia, the journey will start in two days and we shall be very close to each other. So do be warned there may not be much privacy." I rolled my eyes, I had been on trips with others before. I know that privacy is usually left at home before trips.

"I am well aware and shall not change my mind" I straightened my back further to appear taller and more confident, earning a laugh from Legolas and myself. "As long as I have privacy when bathing, I shall be fine." I leaned over the railing of the gazebo, admiring the world I lived in.

"You truly are a wondrous beauty" I felt his gaze on me as I blushed hard. Before I could think of a response, Legolas cupped my face in his right hand, and his left arm slid around my waist. As we were just inches from each other's faces, I did not fight to get away. Even if this was out of nowhere, I just wanted to let it happen. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips brush against mine, but no further did he go. "This is an example of how close we may have to be on the trip. You never know, could be put in tight spaces" my eyes opened in confusion and betrayal. Legolas let out a laugh as he knew his teasing had got to me.

"You Legolas shall know I will get you back for that" I chuckled as he lifted an eyebrow at me. I then conjured up a great idea. I slowly made my way to him, placing my arms over his shoulders and around his neck. I put on my best innocent face as he fell for it and wrapped his arms around me. I stood on my tiptoes to be level with his face. Instead of kissing him passionately like he assumed, I whispered in his ear "like this" as I made sure to leave a warm breath on the side of his neck. With that it felt he had melted under my touch. I must have gotten to him, I smiled at the thought. I pulled away to look at him but his arms did not budge from around me. His eyes had a new look to them as they seemed to change with his emotions. We both felt the same thing in that moment.

We put the teasing a side for a minute and let go of the anxious feeling of what to do next, I pushed my lips to him as he kissed back. It was soft, yet well waited for. I could have sworn even with my eyes closed that I saw sparks. The feeling of his touch, his lips, his arms running up and down my back. I could feel us move as I was now standing against one of the gazebo pillars. One thing made us pull away from our passionate kiss, which was the sound of something ripping.

I turned around as Legolas tried to muffle a laugh. After he glanced at my back, I felt a cool breeze along my legs. I turned my body to notice a rip running from my thighs to the bottom of the dress. The now made slit was almost perfectly down the middle of the dress as well. I sighed as I needed to get back to my chamber to change.

"I'm sorry for the kiss. Tis improper of myself." Legolas sighed as I pushed away his apology.

"No need to apologize. I kissed you first and it was well enjoyed. And besides, no one was around to witness so it is not as if we are being deviant in front of a crowd" we started to walk back to the palace as he told me of life growing up here.

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