42 Family Watches Over

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I waited alongside Theodred at the same bridge I walked along the previous night. Elladan and Elrohir had already said their goodbyes and now I had waited for Lindir and Radagast to hurry. The sun was far from rising, perfect time for sneaking out of Rivendell. My quick pacing stopped at the sound of two pairs of footsteps. To my right, I could see the two desired men making their way to me swiftly.

"Latalia, dear why the rush?" Radagast ran up to me in search for answers. I did not answer, but said my goodbyes to him quickly. "Wait" he laid his staff against the bridge wall and began searching his weathered coat. The man mumbled to himself while struggling to find the object. That is until something dawned on him and he let out a loud "Oh for goodness sake!" He reached up to his head and removed his hat, revealing a small object that lay in his bird's makeshift nest.

"Here is your gift dear." he pulled out the object and placed it in my hands. "That is the Maiar Jewel. It belonged to your father, my son." I held the necklace tight before Radagast offered to put it on me. I reached for around my neck to feel the gem. The Maiar Jewel was small metal vines braided securely around the jewel resembling water. The gem's colors of blues, greens, and purples seemed to swirl to no end like liquid. "You must wear it in secret" I took note of his words and tucked the jewel under my tunic. "Thank you Radagast."

Hard goodbyes were exchanged with Lindir as well, along with my forced promise to visit him. Theodred and I waved goodbye as we began heading towards our valley entrance under the Misty Mountains. "On to Fangorn Forest" I linked my arm in Theodred's as we headed away from Rivendell. "In front of us lies the path to me finding my people" I beamed with joy. I could not help from skip along the ground, for I was ready to discover the tribe.

Hours had passed since Theodred and I left Rivendell, and we were approaching the cave opening in our tunnel. We entered the same small room where Akita surprised me as I now crawled out of its open ceiling. "It is okay Latalia, all of these rocks are stable. You're not gonna fall, you're not gonna fall" I mumbled to myself, slowly inching up the cave walls to the source of bright sunlight at the top. "Coming up to your right" I looked in the intended direction and there was Theodred, climbing the wall like it was nothing.

"Show off" I huffed, reaching my arms up to feel soft grass in my grasp. 

I had finally made it to the top, and doing my best not to look down. "I got you" I looked above as Theodred grabbed my free hand and pulled me out of the cave and onto the grass. The sun beamed brightly and hurt my eyes after walking through a dark, damp cave for many hours. "Let us just rest for a little" I laid on my back in the grassy field, the view of Fangorn Forest behind me in the distance. I hung my feet over the edge of the cave ceiling opening and took in the sun's lovely warmth.

Theodred lay on his back as well next to me as we stayed for a little to take a break. "Latalia" Theodred now lay on his side to face me on my right. "If we end up finding this tribe and they are exclusive, do you want me to head back to Edoras?" I sat up in the ground hoping this was not a possibility. "I have heard of some people from Edoras being close with the tribe. And if they are exclusive, I shall make them welcome you." he sat up as well and I leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"I do not want to do this without you Theodred" he stared deeply into my green eyes as I did his. Just moments later he crashed his lips onto mine. We savored every continuing moment of each other's embrace, for it was sweet and meaningful.

 Our moment shortly ended when a shrill voice was heard in the distance. I jumped to my feet and pulled out my two regular daggers from my back, Theodred was already up and holding a sword in his hand.

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