19 Vulnerability Is An Involuntary Poison

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It had been hours of me sitting there, strategizing plans for the next few weeks and Bennet had not been anywhere in sight. Part of me hoped that he slipped on something upstairs and busted his head open. I decided to see what could be cooked in the kitchen, since It was sunset. All I could find was fish, more fish, and rum. I searched in every place possible and thankfully found seasonings and lemons. I laid out some fish onto a countertop I cleaned prior to the time and began cooking the fish. Then I made a simple grilled lemon pepper fish. As I finished and set the plates onto a table in the dining room, my mouth began to water at the savory smells filling the space. I quietly made my way upstairs to tell Bennet I made dinner, but hid around the turn of the stairwell to keep from being seen.

I tried very hard to think how this was possible, but Bennet had another woman upstairs, and he was using her in ways I was afraid he would me. I quickly and quietly made my way back to the dining table, wondering how long that lady had been here and if she knew of Legolas being here. I ate my food quickly while trying to erase the previous image from my head. The ceiling creaked and was followed by heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I made you dinner. But I guess I should have cooked any extra fish for our new guest" I placed my dish in the kitchen and began to wash all of the cooking utensils I had used. I heard Bennet let out a sigh of anger and embarrassment before he made his way to me. "And you shall speak to no one of this guest." his left shoulder nudged mine back as he spoke into my ear. "She is to come with us on our journey to fill in everything you lack" he spat before grabbing his plate from the dining room and moving upstairs.

My body grew hot with anger, I was very much tempted to drown the place. "No Latalia. You will not be the person of your nightmares" I muttered. I took my plate and smashed it onto the floor as hard as I could, hoping a neighbor would come in to check the noise and help me out. Or that my actions will make Bennet want to not even take me to Rohan. I felt so much hatred and disgust for that man I was now married to. Heavy feet came running down the steps, followed by small light ones, to inspect the loud crash.

"It appears I have broken a plate. Oops" I shot the woman a warning glare, as if to tell her not to mess with me. I did not care if I hated being married to Bennet, I would not tolerate be cheated on. Then Legolas came to mind, hushing my harmful thoughts towards the woman. "Anayla, hurry upstairs" the woman obeyed as she carefully walked up the stairwell. Bennet was glaring at me, fists clenched. Noticing this, I clenched my own, ready to fight if needed.

His body slumped as if giving up fighting me. I relaxed as well, while he walked over to me and lightly grabbed my arm. "Come. I must show you something" He lead me to a small room next to the stairwell. But then he changed. Before I noticed what was to happen, Bennet shoved me into the small, dim room and locked the door behind me. I ran towards it hoping it would budge, but nothing. "You shall stay here till we leave at dawn" he walked off as I listened for his footsteps walking up the stairs.

The room held a small bed and a lit candle to the wall. I walked over to the bed and slumped down on it in defeat. I began to sob as I realized I could not escape this fate. My tears formed streams down my face, soaking my dress a tad. I periodically cried out for help in hopes someone roaming the boardwalks at night would hear. "Legolas, please" I called, but the same answer was returned to me as every other time. "You know it has to be this way Latalia. It hurts my heart greatly to see you like this, but you must leave this way" silence fell over me once he was finished. My eyes ached slightly from lack of sleep and crying.

"Hear my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully. At the bottom of the sea, sleep for all eternity" I sang as the tears I had shed now glistened in the air. The reflection from the candle bounced off of every floating tear, like a sorrowful reminder as to why the water was formed. I let each tear fall to the floor with the flick of my wrist, listening for the sound of it hitting the floor. Accepting there was nothing more for me to do, I laid back onto the bed and tried to sleep.

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