9 Don't Wear Nice Clothes To The Prancing Pony

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Two days ago Legolas and I left Rivendell and were now half a day from Bree. I still wasn't informed as to why we were to go to Bree. "If we move at a quicker pace, we can make it before sundown" I looked around at the rolling hills we were passing. It was nice to see, since I had only been in Laketown and everything between Mirkwood and here. I pushed aside the urge to roll down the steep hills as I moved faster.

Time had flown by and the sun was beginning to set as Legolas and I entered Bree. Many stares and weird looks were given as we walked through many streets till coming to a stop. The sign swung slowly from the wind as we entered the Prancing Pony. I gracefully dodged pints of beer being swung around until Legolas showed me to a small table in the corner of the bar.

A man in a cloaked hood still up, motioning for us to sit. The man seemed to glance around cautiously until his eyes landed upon mine. "First, you told me you would be alone. And second, I have a more private place we can talk" without hesitation, he walked up nearby stairs as Legolas and I followed. The man led us to a room he had stayed in and locked the door behind us.

He finally took off his hood, revealing long shaggy brown hair to his shoulders and a stubbled face. "Aragorn, nice to see you" Legolas pulled him into a hug before turning to me.

"Latalia this is Aragorn, a friend of mine." He then moved to me and put an arm around my waist. "And are you two betrothed?" I looked at the ground from Aragorn's question to try and hide my red face.

"Latalia and I are not betrothed but we are fairly close" He pulled me closer to him, seeming to also wonder what we were.

"Anyways, I have news" Aragorn dismissed our thinking as he motioned us to sit down at the table we was standing next to. The room was dimly lit by few candles, but I could see his belongings that lay on the small bed. He had a sword, small loaves of bread, a pipe and a few knives.

"There has not been recent news of the Necromancer, but that does not mean he is no less of a threat" I did not bother with asking questions, hoping Legolas would fill me in later. "We are safe as long as the ring is not found. Without it, Sauron can not take a physical form." I no longer had questions.

I knew the story too well, for I had many books on the one ring and its power. I gasped at the thought of the same battle happening thousands of years later. Legolas' hand placed on my arm helped me calm down.

"Well, I shall look into what I can find on what happened to the ring after your ancestor kept it" Aragorn looked at the table in shame as he thought of the evil action Isildur had committed so many years ago.

So this is the heir to the throne of Gondor I thought of whether or not he may even want to reclaim his land. I got up from my seat and moved to the window as the two men talked.

Everything seemed normal until I had noticed someone in a dark red cloak walk along the road below me and turn into the diner. "If you will excuse me, I shall spend some time in the bar" I left without waiting for a response.

I closed the door behind me as I headed down the stairs and into the crowd. It took me a minute to navigate my way back to the table Aragorn, Legolas and I had sat at around ten minutes ago. I ordered a small meal and went ahead and paid the waiter, searching the room for the person with the red cloak.

My eyes soon landed on a young woman who still had not taken down that dark cloak. She looked familiar, but I couldn't tell from where exactly. We locked eyes before she made her way to my table and sat across from me. She slowly took off the hood, leaving me speechless.

"Arwen, what are you doing here?" I leaned closer so no one could hear us. "I have come to see Aragorn" she smiled as her hands rested on a beautiful charm around her neck. "Don't worry, I informed father of my journey first. I came on my horse Asfaloth." I felt relieved. "If you come with me, I can show you where he is." she nodded as I returned to the room with the boys.

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