41 Flowers Of Crimson With Red Cheeks

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Theodred and I had spent a few days lingering in Rivendell, extending our stay by quite a bit. We discussed our plan for leaving for Fangorn Forest quite a bit as well. "Seriously Latalia, you must be prepared." I rolled my eyes at Theodred who would not stop nagging me on the true, saddening matter. "You must be prepared for if you get attacked with tickles" he reached out his arms but I quickly jumped back.

"Oh I thought you meant being attacked by some creature or something, not by tickle attacks" I chuckled and stood up from the bed we laid on. 

"Yeah, that is what I thought too" suddenly Elrohir popped out from the room balcony and entered casually. "Okay how long have you been on the balcony, and where is Elladan?" Theodred was tense as he watched where Elrohir entered closely. "Here as well" Elladan ran into the room and joined his twin brother's side.

"So would you like me to tell Lord Elrond that you were spying on his guests or have you do me a favor?" I crossed my arms and stood at the foot of the bed, not far from where the twin brothers stood. "Pfft. Please Latalia, father has heard enough complaints from us he won't-" Elrohir pat his brother on the chest as if to keep him from speaking. "Wait. What is the favor?" I grinned at my success of getting their attention. "Wanna know?" the brothers nodded in response.

I paced back in forth along the bridge on the outskirts of Rivendell, waiting for the brothers to arrive. "They will arrive soon. Worry not" Theodred wrapped his arm around me not only to comfort me, but also to keep me from pacing so much. "I hear them" I stood as still as I could muster, but their nearing footsteps made my heart thump loudly with rapid speed. The brothers quickly came into view as they ran from Lindir following close behind.

"Latalia, what is going on?" I was just as confused as he was. "Why were you two running from Lindir?" "he was busy so we took his circlet and ran with it" Elladan shrugged casually. 

"It was the only way to get him to come." Elrohir added, returning Lindir's circlet to him. "Yes I was with Lord Elrond as he assisted a small boy in need of help." I mentally slapped myself for having him meet, for I felt shamed. "What is it you need Latalia?" his eyes were as soft as his hair, for he always was so delicate when it came to me. 

He could never be mad at me for long.

"I would like to leave early, for you know how long it can take to leave on time with Lord Elrond making a big deal out of it." he chuckled, agreeing with the very true statement. "How is it you wish for me to help?" "Theodred and I are to leave in the morning before the sun rises to get an early start on our journey. Could you meet me here with Radagast as well, he said he had something for me before I left." he nodded and we continued to discuss the plan.

"I suppose it shall be a while till we cross paths once again then. That is after you leave tomorrow." Lindir sighed. "I shall try to visit when I can" I pulled Lindir into a tight hug. I pulled him closer so I could whisper in his ear. "My dearest friend, I will visit every chance I get and you can visit me when you are given time"

 "Until that day".

Lindir and I parted ways along with Elrohir and Elladan and headed back to bed for the night. The walk back to the guest room was silent, yet comfortable. Theodred had laced his fingers into mine, our hands slightly swaying to the rhythm of our steps. "Let us get plenty of rest for the dangerous journey that awaits us tomorrow. We must be very cautious, for you know of Baeltrice's plans." 

My head hung at the thought of my once maid that now tortured Legolas.

We reached the room where I stored my pale green dress stored behind the folding screen and headed for the bed. I expected to see Theodred already laying under its covers like usual, but instead the room was empty. "Theo?" I walked around the room in search for the man, yet still nothing. "Over here love" a voice called from behind me and I spun around to face Theodred at the balcony.

"Love?" I laughed at the nickname. "Oh pardon me Latalia. I meant flower" by now I stood upon the balcony with him, blushing at his correction. "Flower suits you" Theodred pulled something from behind his back and pushed stray hair out of my face. In his right hand he held a small bouquet of deep red flowers. "Flowers of crimson with red cheeks. Much like yours now" the statement did make my cheeks grow hot.

I admired how easily he could do that. He held my heart in his hand so easily with such care and caution. He did not fear what it was capable of like I myself feared. He held the heart with confidence of it being his for as long as I knew him. "Then what is your nickname?" I asked the man before me, earning a chuckle from the both of us. "What shall it be?" I moved closer to the man till our lips were barely touching.

Theodred beat me to the action and softly kissed my lips, pulling away shortly to answer my question. "If you are the flower, then let me be the wondrous insect that wishes to indulge in your everlasting sweetness. Or the calm blue bird that gazes upon you beautiful petals radiating that crimson color" he touched my cheeks lightly as I melted under his touch. My knees felt weak as I leaned against the balcony railing.

"Your words must be enchanted with the strong effect they have on me" I sank into his arms clumsily, taking in his lovely clean scent. His weight shifted and Theodred took my hands. He lead me to the bed and motioned for me to stand next to it. I watched him walk away as he headed for the dresser of nightgowns. Out from it he dug up a nightgown of orange and red hues. The dress came short above the knees, but the sheer sleeves dragged the ground.

Gown in hand, he placed it on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me till we were pulled flush to each other. I could his feel hands behind me loosening my corset that was worn on the outside of this dress as he removed it completely and set it aside. He kissed me longingly as he undid all clips securing the dress together. His fingers grabbed hold of the top of the dress and pulled it off and over my shoulders till I was left almost bare.

Theodred's eyes had never left mine as he gently removed any unneeded articles of clothing. "My flower" his words lingered while he grabbed the new nightgown he had picked out for me. With a careful touch, I lifted my arms and Theodred slid the gown onto my bodice. The dress was all I had on me, for everything else was removed just moments ago. Yet the situation had not a trace of lust. 

The moment we just shared was pure care, and comfort, and love.

After simple talk was exchanged between us, I did the same thing for Theodred as he did me. Yet with him, I left him without a shirt for my sake. "Come" I motioned for him to sit at the foot of the bed, which he did without hesitation. I grabbed a brush and calmly ran it through his golden, long hair. I quietly hummed songs of my hometown as Theodred and I just enjoyed each other's presence in the calm elven kingdom of Rivendell.

"Latalia?" "Yes Theo?" my fingers laced through his wavy hair. "I left Edoras to follow you. I am lying here with you in Rivendell, far from home. And I will also stay with you wherever else you plan to go, Flower." he turned to me and wrapped his arms around me till I was held tight. He placed soft kisses along my face and neck. 

"I will be with you for all of your journeys and won't leave you Latalia."

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