40 May You Always Be Welcome Back

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We were seated in the very spot the dwarves of Thorin's company had sat many years ago, except this time we were seated at higher tables. An elvish flute and harp were softly played as food was brought to the table. For dinner, we were having lemon peppered rainbow trout and salad.

 "I see you finally put meat on the menu" Gandalf chuckled, digging into the savory meal.

"Yes, fish is an exception now" Lord Elrond sipped his wine as everyone enjoyed their food. The fish tasted amazingly delicate and juicy. I melted into the bite, remembering how long it had been since I had eaten rainbow trout. "When do you plan on looking through Fangorn Forest?" Radagast seated himself at the table after speaking. "Sorry I am late". I finished my bite and informed him of leaving soon. "I wish you the best of luck Latalia. And since you are my kin, I have a gift for you before you leave" he smiled sweetly at me, but I couldn't help but try to hold in a chuckle over Theodred's confused face.

I leaned closer to Theodred sitting next to me. "He is my grandfather, for my parents in Esgaroth are not mine" he nodded in understanding before everyone continued their peaceful meal. I looked around at the beautiful, warm colored objects surrounding me. A light breeze blew through the opened area we ate in, but it did not bother me in the slightest. The sky was cast a deep orange mixed with hues of purple by the time we dismissed ourselves from the feast. I stood from my seat and flattened my silky green dress.

"Arwen has a dress just like that" Lord Elrond stated. "Where is she off to now?" I asked wondering of my friend. "Ah yes I had forgotten you two met" he told me of her small trip to the Old Forest.


T'was mid day as I sat upon my throne, trying to stay awake. "Tauriel, step out of the shadow" she walked around the corner of a corridor and made her way in front of me. "Still nothing" she hung her head. "You say you have searched everywhere he could have been and you still cannot find my son" I grew angry as I gripped my throne strongly. 

"I have not seen him in such while and no one knows of his safety. I almost lost him sixty years ago in the ruins of Dale and I shall not lose him again!" I shouted, realizing I had stood up and made my way down to my throne's stairs.

I relaxed my clenched my fists and regained composure as Tauriel did the same. "Leave me" she walked out of the area without hesitation. I turned and headed for my chambers, hearing my long tunic dragging behind me. I pushed open my doors and walked past the guards who stood just outside. The doors slammed shut and I slumped in my desk chair.

 "Oh Valar, help me" I whispered.

My thumb traced over the many pages I kept on my desk of the Gallagtola Tribe and the Sindar elves. The door shot open as Akita ran inside with no warning. "Latalia!" he almost ran into me, barely stopping his feet just in front of where I sat. He handed me an envelope with a small batch of blue flowers trapped in the green wax seal. I ripped open the envelope carefully and pulled out the letter, Akita watching me closely "Please. Read it out loud" he pleaded, taking a seat next to me. I began to read.

"Dear friends of Basilia Barton,

From the King of Rohan, I bring news to you that may sadden your day. As of a few days ago, Basilia had gone missing as she never returned to the Golden Hall here in Edoras where she stay. She was close to my son, Prince Theodred. He had known not of her whereabouts regarding her disappearance. Yet I am afraid we were too late to her discovery.

Mid day, just yesterday a woman had cried out about a woman of dark hair being eaten up. We reported to where the action was located and found a shredded body tore up from a pack of wargs. The woman was hard to identify, but the only person missing from Edoras was in fact Basilia. A funeral is in place for her tomorrow, and I fear my son has ventured off out of grief. He loved her in so many ways, even ones he had known not of.

If this letter is not immediately given to her family in Esgaroth, please inform them.

Signed King Theoden of Rohan." I laid the letter on the table.

Tears formed in Akita's eyes quickly at the news, yet I had not a single tear to shed.

 "Akita, she is not passed. She informed me before she left of faking her death and not to worry" 

I stood up with Akita and pulled him close to me. Since I had recognized the distance I made between Legolas and I years ago, I had learned to grow close and to cherish those around me. 

This hit me truly when Bard had passed thirty years after we had met.

"I know, yet it still saddens me greatly." I hugged him tightly before asking a favor of him. After he had left my room, I looked for nicer clothes to ride to Esgaroth in. After getting dressed, I headed out of my chambers and informed the guards to get my elk ready. I quickly walked to the entrance of my kingdom, my elk and Akita waiting.

"We must hurry, The sooner they know, the better." I mounted my elk as Akita rode with me to Laketown. The ride was short and the sound beneath turned into heavy hooves on hard wood. I dismounted and walked along the boardwalks of Laketown, following Akita for Latalia's former house. He lead me to a nice kept house with a young, blonde woman just outside of it.

"Excuse me miss, is this the family of Latalia Jones?" the young girl turned to face and immediately bowed at seeing my appearance. I gestured for her to get up, not wanting to cause a big scene. "She is my sister, please. Come inside" Akita and I followed her inside the house, the warmth of the fireplace nipping slightly at my face. The house was toasty and warm for mid year, but it was comfortable.

"Just a minute, I shall go get mother and father." she ran off and quickly returned with who I assumed were Olimar and Annette Jones. After we introduced ourselves, I informed them of sad news and suggesting they sit. "Your daughter Latalia that you had sent away-" "We did it for a good reason" the mother cried out. I bit my tongue to keep from stating all reasons as to why their parental actions could have been better. 

But who was I to speak.

"Your daughter that you had sent to Edoras to live with her husband Bennet is dead. Sorry for my being blunt on the matter, but I have a letter" I pulled out the letter from my silver shining tunic and handed it to the shaking mother. Each family member for the next long moments seemed to fall apart at the news, but the young girl took it the hardest. I walked over to where she sat and knelt in front of her chair.

"Worry not Josette Jones, for she is with Valar now. She is forever watching over you, so live your life to its fullest potential and make her proud" I used my gloved hand and wiped tears from her eyes, my other hand holding hers in a gesture to comfort. 

"May your sorrows soon be lifted" I stood up and made my way for the door. "Akita, I will wait for when you are done." I stepped out of the house, feeling very uncomfortable when people are in such grief.

I leaned against its outer walls, waiting patiently for Akita to comfort the family to the best of his ability. Shortly he walked out slowly, his head hanging low. "It is horrible what they have to go through" we headed to land at the outskirts of Esgaroth and mounted our horse and elk.

"They should know the truth. They deserve to know" Akita called out next to me. 

"Maybe they shouldn't of forced her daughter to marry and flee in the first place" I rode ahead back to the kingdom.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now