1 Fresh Morning

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"Oh would ya hold still already" shouts a stressed woman trying with all her might to keep her daughter's hair tamed in a bun.

I look around my city in awe as the boardwalks of Laketown are filled with fishermen and playful children. It had been 58 years since Laketown was destroyed by Smaug the dragon. Our folk had fled to the city ruins of Dale for quite some time till the legendary Bard encouraged us to rebuild. Laketown is now a much nicer place to settle down and is not as nasty as it once was.

"Latalia, tis best you come inside for breakfast before heading to the woods, again" my sister yelled to me before I got too far down the wooden path.

"Why do you worry for my well being so much Josette, I was gonna grab some apples on the journey there." I lied. Without knowing us, you couldn't tell Josette and I were sisters. Unlike my appearance, her golden curly hair hung down just below her shoulder blades and her baby blue eyes could tame a monster of any. She was a tad taller than me but I was older by 4 years.

"Latalia Mae Jones" ouch, full name. Mother called from behind Josette. Scolding at me for trying to sneak out from the family so early for more twice this week. I hung my head low, already regretting what the next hour would turn into.

"Come inside for a meal and your father and I will discuss what we shall do with you" mother walked off. I raised my eyebrow at Josette who shrugged, having no idea what mother and father had planned to talk about.

I stepped into the warm air radiating from the near fireplace as the cold nipped no longer at my skin from the spring weather outside. Readying myself for the talk, I sat down at the dining table and straightened out any wrinkles present on my casual yet elegant blue dress. Josette took the seat next to me admiring in a nearby wall mirror how her blue gemmed necklace against her pale skin made her eyes pop with such beauty. She was what our parents expected in their children. I may have tried to at least look decent today, but I do not belong to such strict policies of this towns society. I longed to journey down my own path without the imaginary rope around my waist being yanked on by my family.

"Latalia, your father and I decided of yesterday morning that in five weeks you shall leave the house on an adventure" my mother smiled as she placed her hands on my fathers shoulders. He sat in a seat across from me at the table looking at his beautiful daughters in awe.

"Tis not what I expected this discussion to be about at all." My face slowly lit up as my situation gradually processed in my brain. I could be free for a little while. But why is this brought up so urgently now?

"If I may ask father, why has this arrangement been made now? Seems a bit out of the blue." Father shrugged the question away quickly.

"Unimportant. Now if you want time out of home today, you best be on your way." Everyone started to continue on with their day as I sat there contemplating what the adventure may be like. As I thought I grabbed my bow, quiver and arrows. And my special dagger. I pulled my forest green cloak over myself and headed out the door.

"Maybe they have now seen what I truly desire. They want to set me free." I muttered to myself as I headed onto land and into Mirkwood.

It had been two hours since I left the house and I had finally found what I had been looking for. Right off of the elven trail that was on the east side of the Woodland Realm was my getaway.

I pushed past a few bushes to reveal the most peaceful pond I have laid my eyes on. The water lay surrounded by rocks perfect for resting on as beautifully colored flowers laced around them. I found myself rushing to the patch of grass I always venture to and laid down my items. I had began lining my viles of herbs in alphabetized rows as I admired how neat it was. Then I took out my special gems I let no one lay eyes upon. I had all I needed for my next task at hand.

A little at a time, I walked around the forest giving bits of happiness to all animals I crossed paths with. But then I heard twigs snap at a distance and my first instinct was to get back to my weapons. I ran as fast as I could while trying to keep light on my feet. Thankfully my dress was loose enough that it restricted no physical activity.

As I pushed my way into the getaway and reached for my bow, an arrow of another was poking at my back. My body slowly turned to face a young man with seeming to want one thing. To know what in the world I was doing out here.

"What is a young woman like you doing out here. Especially off the Elven trail?" The mans young yet deep voice spat. I tried reading his expressions to see that he seemed to be trembling a tad.

"Please I have not come to harm. Only to do good among this forest. And please let down your weapon before your shaking hands actually let go of the arrow you hold." I bit my tongue hoping I wouldn't be ended right there on the spot. He was hesitant but sighed as he sat atop a nearby rock and looked ashamed.

"I have yet to know who you are and you already see right through me" I was taken back a bit at how calm he now was after threatening my life I guess.

"Well if you would be interested to know who I am, my name is Latalia Mae Jones, daughter of Olimar Jones." I gave a small curtsey as he hopped down from the rock and made his way closer to me.

"Akita Durin, son of Kili Durin. At your service" he bowed and smirked at me. I am actually talking to royalty. Wow.

"So what were you doing here anyway with these herbs?" He brought me out of my thoughts, pointing to my small viles. I know the intent of them but I don't put anything but herbs in viles. No liquids.

"Long story. Got time?" I asked as I sat on the cool grass and patted a spot next to me.

I had explained how I had learned to help animals and plants with magic and herbs. I informed that I can send emotions to animals too like happiness, comfort, and a few others. It wasn't until I looked up to see the sky faded into a sunset when I realized I had to end the talk now.

"You must get going I assume. So Latalia" he offered to help me off the ground. "You are a very interesting gal and if you'd like, we can meet here again tomorrow and I can tell you more about me." He sent me a charming grin as I gathered my belongings and cloak.

"I can even eventually take you into Thranduil's palace if I begin to trust you and we grow to become good friends" he smiled as we parted ways. Arrangements were made tomorrow as I headed home.

Akita Durin. He sure is charming and quite interesting for the little that I know. Maybe I can have a friend that doesn't want to discuss fishing to no end like most of the people living within Laketown.

I arrived home a little while later and made for my room. As I close my door and set my stuff down, I grab the worn book from a shelf and sit atop my bed to read. I did this every night as I waited for my parents to check on me and say goodnight. And once they leave I write in my diary.

I grabbed the familiar book from under my pillow and began to write about Akita and the animals I encountered today. I also mentioned the discussion from this morning and what it could possibly be for.

I got to thinking as to how much had changed in the last century. Laketown is again the trading point of Middle Earth, thriving with deals and more life than ever. Thorin Oakenshield took rule of Erebor 58 years ago, and now dwarves and elves get along. I think Kili and Tauriel play a part in that mending. I love to read of their royal love story and now I have met the product of their true love. I smiled at the thought of my new friend Akita as I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

Hey, so hopefully my writing isn't too rusty after a very very long writer's block. So yea the Durin three from the Hobbit are infact alive in this story thank goodness. Please leave comments on what you think so far, I promise to read them.

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