10 Fear Of The Unknown

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I woke from my slumber from Latalia twitching in her sleep. I thought nothing of it until I went to wrap my arms around her again. She began to hum some melody as I felt a cold sensation slowly travel up the front of my legs, to my torso, and my arms. I lightly turned Latalia on her back to notice water wrapping around her body like it had in Rivendell. I tried shaking her awake but nothing changed. Her right hand then twitched upwards as a lone tear slid down her cheek. I began shaking her harder in attempt to wake her from her nightmare.

"Latalia!" she shot up, screaming. I went to give her arm a reassuring squeeze, but she pulled away quickly as she noticed the water surrounding her. Yet she hadn't seemed to notice my being beside her. Her eyes trailed to the vase where the water came from.

I looked at her sad face, as it made me sorrowful seeing her this way. She was afraid of herself. She was afraid of what this ability can do.

My head flicked over to the other bed as Aragorn quickly had his sword pointing at Latalia. "Aragorn, Stop" I stood in front of him, giving him a warning of a look. "She does not mean harm." Aragorn stared at her before directing his gaze back to me. I made sure my expression was more threatening and stern than before.

He slowly sheathed his sword and placed it on the bed next to Arwen. She ran to Latalia's side, holding her in an attempt of comfort. "Poor soul, I know of the burden you carry. Do not worry, it will not stay this way" Arwen's words calmed Latalia, sending the water trailing back to the vase as if nothing had happened.

"It was my family. I was reliving the day they told me I had to marry a man I hadn't even known" she stopped to control her emotions as best as she could. I hurried to her side and pulled her to stand with me. "I was so angry that I took the water surrounding Esgaroth and filled the house with it. I made sure no one could escape. I drowned my family as my sister Josette screamed my name to show mercy. The worst part is, I felt nothing." She dropped her head and began to sob in my arms.

"Let us go for a walk" I motioned for us to leave the room as Arwen sat on our bed, sorrow filling her eyes.

We had walked the outskirts of Bree, enjoying the peaceful sounds of nature as the moonlight shined down on us. It was witching hour, but no worry shown upon Latalia and I, for we had worse things to handle. "I do not want to use the dagger." I hesitated before shutting my mouth. "It will only bring bad" I stopped in my tracks and turned to her.

She couldn't look me in the eyes, for she had felt only shame. "Twas just a dream Latalia, it does not mean what you saw will happen. Like you said, it was a day of the past." I pushed back some fallen hair behind her ear. I had not noticed before, but they were slightly pointed.

"I love you Latalia, and for as long as I am with you, this ability will cause no harm" I placed my hand against the side of her face and kissed her longingly. We stood there on a path surrounded by beautiful trees and bushes. I pulled back to notice the moonlight making her rich green eyes sparkle.

Her brown, slightly wavy hair hung down as I offered to braid it. She nodded so I made interlaced three fishtail braids. It was beautifully done I must say.

"Close your eyes" I did as told, hearing her mumble something and telling me to open them. In front of me, she held a pool of water in her hands. She then looked to the trees and whistled, watching a bird respond in its own tune and fly down to her hands. The bird bathed in the water as Latalia chuckled.

"Cup your hands" she then chanted the same words and moments later, I was mimicking her. She called down two birds to my hands, which felt very weird. A laugh escaped the staring Latalia as I scrunched my face at the new feeling of the birds thrashing around in the water.

She began to whistle an enchanting pattern as the birds flew away. Then the water left our hands to join one big floating blob and dropped into the small puddle I did not notice before. "See Latalia, this gift ways out the bad by so much" I drew her into a hug as she laid her head on my shoulder.

I carefully played with her hair, avoiding the braids. We just stood there for a while, enjoying each other's company. I truly loved her.

We made our way back to the room at sunrise, knowing neither of us would want to go back to sleep anyways. When we returned, Aragorn immediately made his way to Latalia. I tensed, ready to fight if needed. "Latalia, I am sorry about what became of me earlier. I had known not of what you are until Arwen informed me. Forgive me" she smiled as she forgave and thanked him for not handling it worse.

We began to pack our things to head for the Shire, which wasn't far away.


We made it when I could see circular doors of houses carved into rolling hills. The peaceful town of hobbits looked quite happy and safe. Many stopped in shock of elves and men as we walked through the streets of the town.

Children followed us and older couples just stared with unpleasant looks, causing me to chuckle. "Where exactly are we to look" I asked Aragorn.

"Well Latalia, we are looking for a piece of jewelry in the house up on that hill with the tree above it." He pointed to a house with a circular green door, perched up higher than the other homes.

"Mr Baggins is out on an adventure, so we need someone to distract as the other go look for the item." Legolas added as I knew who would be picked to wait outside. Arwen and I looked and each other and huffed, she had the same thought as I.

"Alright, we shall do it" I rolled my eyes, Arwen and I moved to the front of the group as we neared the house. We walked up the path to it, but were stopped by a young man with curly brown hair. "Hello, Bilbo isn't home at the moment, you have caught him right before his adventure" the boy smiled.

"My name is Arwen, and you are?" she shook the hobbits hand. "Frodo Baggins, Bilbo's nephew." once he finished introducing himself, Arwen chanted some words before catching his sleeping body. I was impressed.

She nodded to the other two as Arwen and I kept a lookout. "He will not remember meeting us" she did not take her eyes off of him. Arwen and I waited for around ten minutes, enjoying how calm things were in this part of Middle Earth.

"It was not there. Bilbo must've taken it with him" Legolas had the look of defeat on his face as he sat down on the bench in front of Bilbo's house. "Well whatever it is must be fine then. I mean like you said, it's jewelry" Legolas opened his mouth at my words, but then chose not to speak.

Aragorn moved next to me so I was the only one to hear his words. "Bilbo has the One Ring" My eyes widened in horror. "I read that the ring lay untouched for thousands of years. No one knew of it since." He shook his head sadly.

"Bilbo took it from a creature during his adventure to the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf knew and sent us here to see if Bilbo still had it." Aragorn walked off.

We walked out of The Shire in silence before Frodo woke up. "We must get you back home Latalia, in only a few days, it will be three weeks since you left. Your parents want you to return in four days. I groaned in annoyance at the thought. "Technically they're not my real parents, I don't have to go through with the marriage" Legolas turned to me taken back.

"I did not mean that." I immediately regretted mentioning my family as if they were nothing to me. As if they did not give me the world over the last 27 years. I shut my mouth for the rest of the journey straight to Rivendell.

Arwen travelled with Legolas and I back to her home while Aragorn stayed in Bree. He thought it would be best if he stayed in the area for a little longer. We had no idea of what could happen with the found ring at any time.

"Latalia, write to me if anything worth remembering happens on your journey of self discovery" Arwen hugged me goodbye before she took a separate path leading straight to Rivendell. Legolas and I decided to waste no time in getting back home, since after this nightfall, I would have three days. We rarely stopped to rest, eager to get home.

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