29 To First Times

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"To first times" he clinked his mug to mine as we began chugging without stopping. I slammed my drink down on the table once I had drained the cup. "Wow. I meant to only start with a little" I looked to my right at Theodred who was chugging a second mug. "Wait, you didn't even wait?" I nudged his arm before realizing I would mess him up. My action had caused the brew to spill down his chin some. "Oops" I put on my best innocent smile as Theodred set down his half empty mug. "Alia Jones, you are gonna get it" he stood up from his chair as I did mine, but I was slightly faster to the action.

"First don't call me by my nickname Theo, and also you have to catch me first" I quickly weaved myself through the crowds of people and beer, careful not to knock into anyone. Once I got far enough from the table I came from, I stopped to look around for Theodred. Around ten feet away I could see him search the crowd for my eyes, so I ducked from his view. "Are you hiding?" Ismey was now my height since I had crouched. I nodded and she took my hand, leading me swiftly to a certain part of the tavern. "You can stay behind this tapestry. There is a small door that leads to my play place" she smiled as she skipped away.

"I guess she has a guardian that stays at the tavern" I did as she told and pushed past the tiny doorway. I crawled into a small room as tall as I was and as big as a king sized bed. "Awe, this is cute" I bent over to inspect a horse doll, but I had bumped into something behind me. I turned around and put back some books and toys I had knocked off of a shelf. "Yep, I should just leave and go get another brew" I straightened up a few knocked over dolls in pretty dresses. "Not yet" the voice made me spin around in my spot as I now stood just an inch from Theodred's face.

"How did you know I was in here" I slumped my shoulders in defeat. "Latalia, I have lived here my entire life. Ismey has had me play in here with her more times than I can count" he laughed, looking around the familiar space. "So, you do more than just plan military strategies and ride out." I smiled, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes. "Oh I do much more" his hands ran over my arms, sending electricity through my veins, similar to what the brew had done. "Want to go for a-" I hadn't let Theodred finish his sentence, for I had let my lips crash onto his. He did not hesitate to give into the temptation and kiss back.

I shortly pulled back in shame and embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry. I just think i'm drunk" I placed my hand on my head as if it would help my brain process what I was doing. "I'm sorry for not stopping. We should leave" I nodded, crawling out of the hiding space first. I hopped out from behind the tapestry as no one was looking, waiting for Theodred to join me at my side. "Do not blame yourself. You felt something true so you went for it. No shame in that" he patted his tunic down as I pondered his words. "Shall we go for a walk?" He offered his arm which I took, heading for the doors of the tavern.

We walked silently among the roads of Edoras, enjoying all peace the night was offering. With every step taken, I pondered what would go on between Theodred and I. Whether or not we would stay long known friends, or become something much more. And everytime I thought of Theodred in a romantic way, a guilty image of Legolas would appear in the back of my mind. I in fact truly loved Legolas, and as did he, we knew not of when we would see each other again.


The calming sound of liquid dripping onto my hard cell floor cooed me into a deep sleep, yet I fought hard to keep awake. I lay still against my wall, trying to keep the blood dripping from my leg at a minimum. Baeltrice's high guard Askit had beaten me with dull swords, just for lack of tasks. Thankfully, Askit was not skilled with the sword and barely nicked me in spots. I took a deep breath and once again began chanting the spell.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now