43 Comfort In The Smallest Of Gestures

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My fingers were intertwined with Theodred's so we would not part while being escorted around this underground kingdom. We walked along a neat path of greystone that lay atop luscious, vibrant green grass. The air encircling me smelled sweet from the bright flowers blooming all around. This underground place where the Gallagtola elves live looks just as if you were above its surface and in the forest.

"Turn left here" Morien instructed Theodred and I. Ahead of me now was a tall rock structure with a waterfall hanging on the front of it like a blue tapestry of silk. "Are we to walk through the waterfall?" I asked, earning a small chuckle from our guard. " You are to climb up the rocks to the top of the waterfall and jump to the bottom. Then you shall arrive in the throne room" the other guard informed. Theodred's eyes brightened as he walked faster to get to the rocks. I on the other hand was skeptical of the task at hand.

"He is kidding. We block the waterfall at the top to stop the flow of water, so we can enter. And before you ask, using your magic on tasks like that will constantly drain you" I nodded, taking in the new information. 

We approached the water as I watched it gracefully disappear from the top, revealing a new path. White marble lay just above the water's surface in the shape of various symbols. The male guard stepped in front of Theodred and I and motioned for us to follow him along the steps under the absent waterfall.

Once we had made it to the other side, my eyes were met with a warm, bright light that hid my view of everything else around the room. My vision adjusted to the light quickly as elves and furniture finally came into view. "Come closer you two" the voice came from a man standing center of the area in front of us. I squeezed Theodred's hand for reassurance and walked toward the person calling to us.

I realized we were now standing in an open cave with a breathtaking view at its wide mouth. I wished to go to the edge, but I forced my attention to who I assumed was the leader of the tribe.

"I was informed that you are a Gallagtola Tribe member, yet I have never seen your face." I nodded shyly.

The man stood up higher than before, making it known he was the one in charge. "I am Enderlaus, son of Valendos and Fawnowen. I am the King of the Gallagtola Elves of Middle Earth." I began taking in his flawless appearance. His skin was pale against his strawberry blonde hair that shagged in curls just above his jawline. His eyes were of a blue-green hue and had small gold specks dancing in the earthy colors. 

He was so beautiful.

"And you are, miss?" my attention was brought back to Enderlaus quickly. "My name is Latalia Jones, I am a Gallagtola Tribe member. This is my companion Prince Theodred, son of Theoden." the sound of the king's name seemed to sit bitterly in the leader's mind. "The prince in the presence of another King. Did you know it was your grandfather who wrongfully threw my mother and her people out of Rohan?" Enderlaus walked away and sat in a chair formed of what appeared to be golden vines.

"What do you mean by wrongfully, why do you speak so ill of my grandfather?" Theodred was getting quite annoyed, so I grabbed his hand in mine. His attention focused on me as he calmed for a few seconds. But only a few seconds did his anger cease. "Your grandfather, King Thengel banished my people from Edoras and Rohan and blamed us for a massacre of horses and a small girl." Enderlaus' temper grew with each word he spat.

"Your king framed us because one of my elves caught him on a crime. So he made us look like demons of such evil so all of man would be afraid of us." He now fumed with rage. "Stop both of you. What story are you talking about?" my confused state seemed to calm everyone for a small amount of time. "Latalia. My grandfather banished the Gallagtola Tribe from Rohan many years ago when father was just a small child. The elves had killed off many of our horses in a pile, centered in our town. One of the elven males got mad and drew blood straight from a small girl who had just died. My grandfather removed them from Rohan to protect his people." Theodred stared into my eyes with such innocence.

"That is what he told everyone, to cover up what truly happened." the king scoffed. "Bring in Urycas and Ilantix" Enderlaus motioned as two guards ran from the area. "In the meantime, Latalia. Who are your parents?" my heart sped up at the question, for I did not know if I should tell the truth. Then in the moment of panic, Theodred grabbed both of my hands and turned me lightly so I could face him. "It is okay, flower" he kissed my forehead and I felt my confidence regain completely. 

It is easy to find comfort in the smallest of gestures.

I took a deep breath and faced the king. "I know not of my true mother, but my father is Chastine, son of Radagast the Brown." I stood proudly in hearing my own words. "Latalia Mae Jones. You have now come of age I see" the King held out his hand for me to walk a few feet up to his throne. "You know of my father? What about my mother?" "that is for another time dear" he smiled warmly as he seemed to examine my appearance.

"You have her face." he took his hand in mine before glancing over my shoulder to Theodred. 

"We shall continue the Edoras story later. For now we must welcome Latalia home!" the last of his sentence was shouted proudly. I turned to Theodred as he walked next to me, sharing as much confusion written on his face as I. I turned back to face forward and looked past the throne, out to the beautiful opening to the world. I walked to the edge of the cave past the throne and gasped at the sight before me.

The outside of this cave was no longer underground, but in the middle of the forest. Below the high cliff I stood upon were buildings carved with intricate designs. A village of elves gathering around to trade, feast, talk and more. My eyes landed on a training field where many young children were learning to shoot bows and fight with swords and daggers. The faint sound of flutes and other instruments were coming from the center of the establishment, where dancing and other activities were currently being held.

"This is one of the main parts of the Gallagtola Tribe home." Theodred and Enderlaus now stood on each side of me. "It is beautiful. What more is there to this wondrous place?" I turned to my right to notice he was smirking. "Well the kingdom for a start" he motioned for Theodred and I to follow him as he headed for a hall I had not noticed before. The hall was short and led to a door of carved vines. "The kingdom awaits" he placed his hand on the door as water from the stone walls seeped through and filled every vine shaped into the door. The two doors opened in rhythm, revealing a breathtaking view of their royalty.

In front of me was a castle of white stone and many open corridors. "It reminds me of Rivendell" Theodred said, taking my hand in his. 

"Yes, Lord Elrond in fact aided us in building our castle in Arnor. Then when we were sent to Fangorn Forest and used much magic to hide ourselves from Middle Earth, we replicated the castle." We walked along a long roofed hall that was high above the ground. To my right was a waterfall running down a mountainside and under the hall to the town below, which was on my left. "I knew not of their being such a mountain in Fangorn" I studied the rock structure. "That is because from above or afar you cannot see this mountain, part of our hiding from Middle Earth" we reached the door of a deep red that Enderlaus opened.

I now stood in a top dome of the castle which was essentially an office space. "How far off the ground are we from this point?" Theodred asked. "Precisely sixty three feet" I took in a deep breath at the information. "This is my office, for I often come here when stressed by many matters." I gazed around at the detailed carvings in the room's stone walls and roof. "Ah there you are" the king's words caused me to turn around to see he was conversing with an elven woman. 

She had beautiful dark auburn hair with orange red eyes.

"Latalia and Theodred, this is Paelimir, she will show you around, for I have matters to attend to." Enderlaus headed for the door before stopping and turning to face me. 

"Welcome home Latalia" he sent a warm smile in my direction before opening the crimson door and leaving the three of us.

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