37 Plans Change Unwillingly

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I ran and wrapped my arms around my beloved friend, taking in his clean scent. "Weird" I pulled back from the hug, confused by Akita's choice of word. "What?" "You are taller than you were just an hour ago" he inspected my appearance before growing wide eyed. "Come talk" I ushered Akita and I out into a private room to discuss my new matters. "First, you mustn't tell anyone of what I am to show you" he nodded without hesitating, ready for me to explain myself.

I pulled the blade out from my dark green cloak and let down my hood, exposing my slightly new appearance. "Your eyes Latalia. They're a brighter green, yet appearing as if the color is mixing with a blue hue." I was confused, so I searched my own eyes in the reflection of my Gallagtola blade. He was right, the color in my eyes were like green and blue paints mixing. The hues did not stop mixing, yet you would have to have elven sight to see the movement.

"Your ears, may I?" I nodded as Akita got closer and felt of my ears. "That kind of tickles" I chuckled. I felt much happier that I had in a long time. 

The attention was taken away from Akita lightly touch my ear tips after hearing muttering of Eomer and Theodred. I knew I had strown far from his room, but I pulled my hood back over my head, just incase Eomer is to quickly walk by. "We should meet with Theodred, come." I took his hand in mine and guided him to the chambers I had stayed in.

"Are you finished with your meeting, Theodred?" he replied, indicating Akita and I to enter and gather at his table with him. "Hello Akita, thank you for staying. So Latalia" Theodred gestured for my to walk to him on the opposite side of the table. 

He held my hands tenderly in his as Theodred examined every aspect new on me. "So the transformation worked" he smiled softly, but left a very small trace of shame and regret. "What is wrong?" he sighed as we sat back at the table, Theodred across me whilst Akita stayed at my side.

"Have you researched information on the tribe's time here in Rohan, or why they fled to Fangorn Forest?" I shook my head no, wishing I had studied my books more. "Your people used to live here, even helped build Edoras. The elves helped our people through Helm's Deep many ages ago, were close with us especially here. My grandfather ruled of Rohan when the elves went mad and massacred many of our horses and even children. The town was terrified and King Thengel banished them to Fangorn Forest. Never to return to Edoras." his words left me cold.

"Surely that cannot be true" I blinked away fresh tears forming at my eyes. 

"The tribe were some of the nicest of elves from what I have read, it cannot be what happened." I wiped away the tears falling down my cheeks, feeling very emotional. "I am sorry for weeping, my hormones may be off from the transformation." the two nodded in understanding. "Anyways, I take it that no one here must know of my change." I hung my head in shame.

"She must leave the city then, without being noticed. She can come back to Mirkwood" I could hear the tone in Akita's voice turn joyful in triumph of his plan. Silence fell over the room as I chose not to agree with him. "I must not return Akita. Legolas is imprisoned somewhere I am not able to know and I must continue to find the Gallagtola tribe. I cannot stop now, even though I yearn so much to return home" I remembered hearing for the first time of my family fearing me.

My left forearm tingled with pain, as if sending me a reminder that it was there. I pulled up my sleeve to show the men of my mark. "It seems that when my emotions are strong, the mark stings." I stared at the beautiful symbol drawn in blue that lay on my arm. "I cannot believe it. You wanted to come home as soon as this trip to Rohan was done." Akita stood up with a loud thud, his fists hitting the table before storming angrily out of the room. I jumped slightly, for the slamming of the door now was heightened in my ears ever slightly.

"Worry not of Akita, he misses you." Theodred walked past me from his seat, grabbing my hand in his to follow him. "Let us take a walk Latalia, so gather a plan" his smile sent warmth from my cheeks down to my feet. His hand held onto mine like he was holding fragile porcelain, yet he did everything in order not to let go. I followed the prince out of the hall and down the borders of Edoras. The cloak still hung tight to my shoulders as we walked, hood covering my appearance once more.

"Once we step past the wall, you are free to show the beautiful face you were gifted with" Theodred winked as he gently squeezed my hand, pulling me along as we took our chance. Once the guards were not watching over our escape, Theodred lead us to the loose post as we swiftly vanished from the sight of inside Edoras. Feeling like a bird released from her chrome colored cage, I pushed back my hood and let loose my rich, long brown hair. "Where to?"

Theodred showed me to the entrance of Rivendell's other hidden valley, just like he had done weeks ago. I sat next to the small pond at its entrance, fingertips grazing the surface of the reflective water. "Where am I to go, seeing I must disappear from Edoras?" I did not want to talk about leaving the town I cared about behind, but I knew it must be done. Edoras was my new home, even when I was under the watchful eye of Bennet for the short while.

"I do not want to leave behind the village and their people. The Riddermark, Luca, Eomer, Eowyn. You" a drop fell into the pond and rippled the water beneath my sorrowful appearance. I wiped my eyes with my bell sleeves and straightened up. " I am an exception. I will help you with finding your people, yet I am the only person who shall know of your being. Akita and I have discussed how we think it is best we tell people of your disappearing out of Rohan or death." Theodred sat on the grass next to me, brushing back his dirty blonde hair after we had ran crazily from Edoras.

"How are you to help me when you must stay in Edoras. You can get called to go to battle or ride with the Riddermark at any moment." I looked into his brown eyes, searching for an answer. "You shall come first Latalia. I do not think you comprehend how important you truly are to me Alia" I rolled my eyes at his cheesy comments. "You're saying that to be nice but-" Theodred cut my sentence off in the famous way he tended to do. He pulled me flush to him as he rocked up carefully to the grass that lay behind us. The kiss broke when I hissed out at a sharp pain in my side.

I sat up from the grass and removed a sharp rock from the spot I had laid at with Theodred. He chuckled as we both stayed there, head propped up on one elbow. "I know your mind and heart is somewhere else." Theodred slowly reached out and lightly held my chained promise ring in his fingertips. "But that does not stop the way I truly feel about you." His tone was serious and honest, showing vulnerability towards me.

"I shall die for you if it means to keep you safe. I will help you find what you're looking for, even if one of those things does not happen to include me." he played with a small flower of a lavender hue. "You are mostly included Theodred, son of Theoden." I fell forward purposefully and wrapped Theodred in a surprise hug. He returned the embrace, for we were both happy to hold each other. "Then I shall take leave for a little while from my father's orders whilst I am with you."

We had spent the rest of the evening laying next to the pond, not worried of who may be missing us at the moment. Small, wispy clouds danced across the sky, performing for the eyes of anyone looking to the sky.

 Theodred's fingers intertwined with mine, the electricity keeping me from falling alseep in the peaceful, wooded area.

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