17 "Down Your Fears With Wine"~Thranduil Probably

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We spent hours, laughing, telling stories, running around. We enjoyed each other's company for as long as possible. Soon the sky was starting to fade into a series of warm colors, warning Akita and I of the time. I knew he feared for tomorrow just as much as I, yet he was better at hiding the scary thought. "We should head back now so you can spend the night with Legolas" he patted me on my shoulder as I packed up my bag. We slowly walked back to the palace entrance, not saying a word. "Latalia, can I talk to you for a moment" I nodded to Akita who continued walking as I stood to the side with Elenorn. "I heard you are leaving tomorrow, so you won't be around for a while." I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder. "Worry not, I will stop to no end to find your sister. Oh and I must tell you something of high secret" we stepped into the woods to be out of earshot of the elven guards.

"Something does not feel right about my mission to find my tribe. Some may see it as a danger so please, do not believe harsh rumors. I will not die where I end up going." he nodded, pushing away the confusion of my statement. We parted ways after he gave me many pictures of his sister and information on her before I made my way back to my chamber.

"Latalia, please join us tonight in the dining hall for a late feast, and do not worry about what to wear." I nodded, taking in the oral invitation given by Thranduil. I hurried to my room in hopes of at least throwing on a simple dress and braiding my hair. I grabbed a long, fit black dress with lace bell sleeves. "Looks as if I am preparing for my own funeral. I mean, 'tis tomorrow" I huffed, making small braids on each side of my head. Four rapid knocks shook the door lightly before it quickly opened. "You apparently forgot to lock the door, but come on. We are so close to being late" Akita jogged to me before grabbing my hand and basically dragging me down the halls. We made it to the well known dining hall, taking seats quickly.

Legolas now sat to my left at the end of the table, with in order on my right around the oval shaped table from left to right:

Legolas to my left, and to my right was Akita and Tauriel, Thranduil sat the end right end of the table. Across from Tauriel was Kili, next to him was Thorin, Feren, Elladan, and Elrohir sat at the left end of the table. Thranduil's high guard Feren sat across from me.

Platters of soups were placed in front of everyone as the guests settled down. I recognized the dish to be clam chowder, something I hadn't eaten in many years. "This feast, as requested by Akita and Legolas, is to Latalia. She is to return home tomorrow for an arranged marriage she wishes to not be apart of. I presume that is why you are in black" Thranduil was standing in front of his seat, toasting to me. "You're right. I felt black was appropriate for the funeral of an event I shall attend tomorrow" I nervously chuckled, bowing my head a tad.

"Well Latalila, tonight down your fears with wine" and with that, we toasted and began to live by Thranduil's previous words. The wine was sweet, but did not take away the thought of what I must face in less than a day. Legolas must've sensed my tension from the night as he grabbed my hand in his for reassurance.

My eyes glanced around the room at the many faces quite often, but I had to force my eyes down when I would catch Feren staring. But what caught me off guard was feeling a foot tapping mine that did not belong to the man I loved. Without thinking, I shot Feren a warning look, only earning a smirk in return.

The food was amazing, the chowder had been better than I have ever made or tasted. Akita went on telling everyone of what I taught him today. "So you are the cause of the animals no longer needing help" Thranduil eyed me closely. "I assume you got it from your grandfather, Radagast" I stopped eating, not remembering ever telling him about my relation to the wizard.

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