22 Don't Give Me Hope Where There Is None Part 2

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I told her how the horses must be released and only to return when called upon, so she helped me to a way out of the civilization. We stood at the gate, ready to let the horses roam free once more. I patted each horse and whispered "Noro lim" before patting them to go. "What is it you're saying to the horses?" Eowyn questioned.

"The horses are bred by elves and listen to elven commands. Noro lim means 'run swift' in Sindarin" she nodded as if taking mental note of the information. "Well, the dining for tonight is in around an hour since the sun is almost beginning to set. If you do not have any with you, I can lend you a dress for the night" we headed back towards the Golden Hall. "Usually I would turn down the great offer, but you are correct. I do not have any nice dresses packed with me. Not even my wedding dress" I sighed, honestly a little sorrowful that I could not bring that dress with me.

"We shall be off then. First you must inform your betrothed that you will be with me and to meet him when it is time to dine" she guided me to my new home, and I hurried inside. I walked quickly up the stairs, still carrying around my bag of belongings around my bodice. "I shall meet you in the dining hall when we eat tonight. I will be with the king's niece to find a dress for the occasion." I slipped away but couldn't help but hear a few groans. "I do not want to sit there dining, being known as Lady Barton's maid." I heard Anayla quietly say.

I met Eowyn outside as she linked her arm in mine, dragging me along to the Golden Hall. Once we entered the cool feeling room, she took me down a few small halls, and into what I assumed was her bedroom. "What color would you prefer?" she began rummaging through a chest at the end of a huge, fur covered bed. "Whatever you think is best" I looked in the beautiful room in awe. She pulled out a gorgeous green dress and a matching blue one. "You take this blue dress, we will be matching in fabrics" she seemed very cheery over having me here. I wondered how often she gets time to socialize with a female friend. I slipped on the dress, being as careful as possible with the delicate fabric.

"Your husband. When you met him, did you feel something deep down that just told you he was the one?" Eowyn's question caught me off guard. As much as I wanted to tell her the truth, I had to lie along with my identity. So from now on when she asks about my marriage and romantic life, I will imagine Bennet is Legolas. "Yes. It was like a small pang in my heart, a feeling of warmth flowing through my entire body. And in his eyes, I knew he felt the same electricity" I patted down the dress, admiring my appearance in a nearby mirror. "I hope to find that with a man of my own someday." she walked over to me. "See, I told you we would be matching" she smiled. She was right, we had on identical dresses, just different colors.

"Eowyn it is time for the- I'm sorry. We have not met yet. My name is Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark, and older brother to Eowyn" he tipped his head. "Lady Basilia Barton" I curtsied once more. "I am here to escort the two of you to the dining hall. Shall we?" he held out each arm, which we both took in our own. Eomer took us to the dining hall, where Eowyn and I sat next to each other. As everyone began to arrive, Theoden sat at the end of the table, to the left of Eowyn. Theodred sat across from Eowyn. Next to him was Anayla, Eomer, and some guards I had not met. I was to the right of Eowyn and Bennet took a seat to my right. The secret tension between us three new arrivals to the town was very thick. But it wasn't till Bennet placed his hand on my thigh that I truly grew uncomfortable. As casual as I could muster, I swatted his hand from my leg while speaking with Eowyn.

Soon silver platters were placed in front of everyone, waiting to be uncovered for the consumer's eyes. We lifted the shiny lids, revealing deep bowls of some type of meat stew. I leaned over the bowl slightly, the steam from the food lightly tickling my chin and neck. The meal smelled delicious and savory as I waited to dig in with the other guests. Before we began feasting, a prayer was spoken to Valar, thanking that we live to see yet another day. With the ending of it, everyone started eating the stew. I lifted the spoon to my mouth and poured the contents in. The meat and broth tasted perfectly together, making me melt on the spot.

"So Basilia, where did you come from" Eomer smiled warmly at me, causing me to slightly blush. "We are from Gondor" Bennet interrupted before I could answer. "We were looking for a smaller civilization so we decided to travel here" I added. "And she is my handmaid" talking about Anayla, I sipped the wine I was given to hide my grin behind the cup. I began to choke on my wine after a swift kick of Anayla's leg met mine. I carefully started to pat my chest, relieving me of what just happened. I looked around and noticed everyone staring, wondering if I was ok. "I'm fine" I continued eating to calm the nerves of the people around me.

I glared at Anayla for sometime who was avoiding my gaze, until someone dragged me out of my thoughts. Bennet had hugged me, to hide what he was trying to whisper to me. "Cause another scene and I will make sure that you do not leave the house to socialize" Bennet kissed my cheek and returned to his meal, giving me cold shivers. We were finishing up the feast while the guards, Theoden, Theodred and Eomer began discussing plans for the days to come. "We still have orcs running through Rohan, we must go after them" Eomer's idea was quickly dismissed. "We have not found reason for it. They are far from here and the other villages" Theoden seemed not to think of Orcs as a problem.

"Basilia, would you like to accompany me to under the stars just outside?" to my left, stood Theodred, who I hadn't even realized left his military discussion with the king. I nodded, taking his hand as he lead me outside of the Golden Hall. His hand never left mine, but I did not mind, for he may turn to be a new best friend. "I can tell my cousin has grown close to you already" Theodred lightly chuckled. "Yes, she has. But I like it" I smiled down at the stone path I was standing on. He let go of my hand, leaving it cold as he placed his hands on his belt containing his sheathed sword.

"She doesn't have someone to talk to much. She usually sticks to her brother's side, and has not a clue what to do when he leaves to ride." he stared up into the clear, twinkling night sky. "Yet you're not all truthful of who you try to be here" he was now gazing into my eyes like he did the sky, searching for answers. "I'm sure I do not know what you mean" my own eyes stared at the sky to avoid his piercing gaze. "Latalia Mae Jones. Daughter of Olimar Jones" my heart stopped upon hearing this acquaintance say my full name. "Don't worry, I knew your father. He took me in many years ago when I once traveled to Esgaroth. You were quite small then, but I could never forget that face" his smile made all of my worry and anxiety melt away. "You're the rider that secretly showed me how to groom and ride horses when I would go out to play" I smiled, so glad I had found a friend. "So that is why we were to move specifically to Edoras" he nodded, pulling me into a hug.

"So, what else has happened since that time many years ago?" we walked to a nearby stone wall and sat atop of it. Taking advantage of the privacy, I explained everything to him. Between Legolas, may be having a part of the Gallagtola tribe, and how I did not love Bennet. I told him how father feared me and forced me to marry Bennet. I even showed him the promise ring given to me by Legolas. "I promise, your secret will be taken to the grave with me" he held his hand to his heart, shutting his eyes and sticking out his tongue. "Stop playing dead" I lightly nudged him, laughing.

"So you love Legolas and want to be rid of Bennet. How are you to leave?" Theodred asked, seeming to already know the answer. I huffed, knowing he would get the information out of me eventually. "I plan to fake my death. Then I am to escape to the Fangorn Forest. Legolas is to meet me there." I looked down at the quiet city below.

"Then you can have your happy ending Latalia" he lightly patted me on the back, yet I did not relieve myself of the tense posture I sat in. "It is never that easy. Don't give me hope where there is none Theodred."

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