27 Relaxation At Its Finest, Maybe

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We had returned to Edoras and to the calvary courtyard for the day. After my 'training' of fake orcs, the small group of us riders returned with Eomer and checked Rohan's eastern borders for true orcs. Theodred informed me of a new orc breed that wait not for the sun to fall. They are said to roam freely under the sun's bright rays, fearless. I returned Hasufel to his stall in the stable along with Eomer and Theodred.

"You did well today" Eomer patted me on the shoulder, showing in his eyes that he truly felt proud of me. "Thank you. I've had some practice" I bent over taking the armor off of my left leg and showing him my scar. "Got this from an orc arrow lodged in my leg on the way to Rivendell" Eomer winced at the sight a tad. "Impressive" Theodred walked over and knelt down to my leg, examining the scar. "I assume you were healed by elves" I nodded.

Our conversation was interrupted by a young woman bursting through the stable doors crying. The three of us riders whipped our heads in her direction, shortly running over to the troubled lass. "My husband, he hasn't returned from your ride. Is he dead?" she tried speaking between sobs. "What is his name?" Eomer sat her down on a bench, trying his best to calm her. "Reynard Kurts" Eomer seemed to relax from his tensed posture at the name. "I promise you he is very well alive. He went to the tavern, inviting the riders to join him." he hugged her for reassurance as she looked relieved and quickly left.

Eomer turned to Theodred and I with a rather saddened look once the man's wife had left. "Poor lass, he is very much alive. Yet he lives to see another woman" I sighed with him in realization of what he meant. "Well, shall we head to the tavern?" Eomer brightened at Theodred's question. "Sounds like a good idea, but I must inform Merek of my whereabouts first." I mentally rolled my eyes at the sound of my husband's fake name. Both men nodded as I left the stable to return home for a minute.


She walked out of the stables to return home before meeting us at the tavern. Once she was gone I had turned to my horse, but only met with Eomer's eyes instead. "Theo, care to explain yourself?" Eomer shot me a devilish grin. "I don't know what you're talking about" we headed to the connected building to remove our armor. "It is obvious you feel something for Basilia. Something more than just a simple friendship." I rolled my eyes and moved to my things in the building.

"You can ignore the question all you want cousin. Yet the longer you deny, the harder it'll be when you accept." he walked out in his normal clothes, heading for the tavern. I too walked out shortly after, meeting with the night sky suspended above me. I walked peacefully to the Golden Hall in hopes of changing into nicer attire. I took my time to take in the pretty view around me since my walk wasn't long. "Theodred, how in the name of Valar did I beat you to getting ready?" I turned around to the sound of Latalia's melodic voice. She was now wearing a simple white chemise with red skirts and a corset. Her chemise hung off of her shoulders with long bell sleeves.

"Well Basilia, beauty like the kind I hold takes time" I flipped my hair lightly to emphasize my point. "Oh so that is why I took so quickly" she caught up to me and nudged my arm. I dismissed her comment only causing her to roll her rich green eyes. Her hair hung in ringlets around her face, bouncing as we walked up the stone stairs to the Golden Hall. "Maybe if you hurry, I will wait here for you till we go to the tavern" she leaned against a golden carved pillar. "No promises" I slowly walked into the hall. Yet once she was out of sight, I jogged to my chamber and dressed into a fancier tunic as fast as I could muster.

As I exited the Golden Hall, I saw Basilia talking to one of the guards. He seemed to eye her closely as she gave normal conversation. Then I had noticed why he was eyeing her closely. I quickly jogged over to Basilia and stepped in between her and the guard. "My lady, I would advise you find a new outfit before we head to the tavern" I whispered in her ear quietly. She gave me a confused look until she looked down at her dress and turned a deep red.

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