7 I'm Going On An Adventure!

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It has been one day since Legolas and I left Mirkwood and we are currently crossing over the Misty Mountains instead of going through the mines of Moria. The wind whistled loudly as we came close to a cave. "Let us rest here for a minute" I nodded as I was very tired. We entered the cave but quickly stopped as the entire ground had collapsed like a trap door. Dim lights were seen within the abyss below the hole in the ground. "This is where the goblin King once ruled" Legolas said searching the area with his heightened sight. "Oh Akita told me of this story and how this is the very cave that the dwarves stayed in. This is also where Gandalf came back and rescued everyone" I smiled at my extensive knowledge of the place.

"I can see few goblins roaming around the ruins of the once vast and complicated kingdom. We must go" we left the cave and continued our journey to Rivendell. "Can't wait to tell Akita where I came across" I beamed as we headed to the other side of the mountain.

It wasn't till hours after the last stop that we decided to rest for the night. We had to move faster than most on a journey which is why we slept only for short whiles. A journey like this may take a month, but Legolas and I were constantly on the move if we did not rest for an hour or two.

"We are almost there" I could hear the excitement in his voice a tad as I too could see Rivendell at a very far distance. Twas a little hard to tell though with only the moon now lighting the way. I felt as if I was injected with extra energy as I had the urge to race Legolas to our destination. I was ready to walk among the beautiful elf kingdom I had heard many stories about.

I was dragged out of my thoughts as I felt a sharp pain pierce my left leg. I looked down to see my shin had a sloppily made arrow embedded shallowly into my leg. I ignored the excruciating pain and grabbed by bow and arrow ready. I aimed all around but couldn't find what had hit me. "Latalia, are you alright?" Legolas rushed over and examined the wound. "That can be worried about later. I need to find out if I was shot or clumsily ran into the arrow sticking up from the ground somewhere." I huffed as my bow was still aiming in all directions, except towards Legolas.

Suddenly a cry was heard and a few orcs began to attack with close combat. I unsheathed a sword I brought for the journey. What no one knew about me besides an old sailor friend was that I used to practice sword fighting for many years. The elven blade cut through the throats and abdomens of every orc that got close to me. Legolas shot oncoming orcs as we began to run for Rivendell. I convinced Legolas to switch with me as I shot oncoming orcs with my bow and he attacked all orcs with his daggers he kept on his upper back. We were on the run, killing left and right doing what we could to survive the night. But within no time, the sun rose brightly and the orcs went back into hiding.

It wasn't till we stopped to take a breath that I remembered I still had an arrow in my leg. I slightly gasped at the pain, causing Legolas to run over to me and help. As I laid down on the ground, I had him pull it out which hurt even worse than before. He grabbed a piece of fabric from somewhere and began wrapping my wound until we arrived at Rivendell. "We shouldn't be much longer now" he stared into my eyes while still kneeling down in front of me. Without saying, he moved closer to me and kissed me with so much passion, all the pain I felt went away for a moment. He pulled away shortly after, making me miss the warmth he had just brought to my lips. "That was for us living through the attack" he winked as he helped me to my feet.

I looked in the distance and saw how close we really were to Rivendell. Without thinking about my leg, I began to run to reach the kingdom. And then I fell. Legolas began to chuckle as he offered to carry me. "I'm only holding back from protesting because I cannot walk on my own." he rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead as he carried me bridal style. We now seemed to move faster as Legolas wouldn't have to slow down to keep up with me. Before I knew it, we were beginning to walk across the bridge to Rivendell.

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