4 Back To Laketown

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Hello Lovely, I hope youre enjoying the story! Later on in this chapter, a white gown is mentioned so this is it. This is also very close to Latalia's appearance as well. Enjoy!

Legolas had the guards of the kingdom let us through without telling anyone so I could get back to Laketown. We hurried along the elven path till there it was. I have excellent eyes, allowing me to see my home from afar. The plan was for Legolas to keep watch for if anything goes wrong as I talk to my family.

It's just a door Latalia. Open it and get this over with. I took a deep breath but stopped it short as the door opened on its own in front of me.

"Latalia where have you been" my mother pulled me into a hug before I could reply. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Legolas perched on the neighbors roof, at a perfect angle to see inside our window if danger presented itself. "Im fine. I just wanted to check up since I left without warning." I was pulled into the house and sat in my chair in the parlor.

"Latalia, you cannot leave without us knowing your whereabouts." my father huffed. A man stepped out of the kitchen and entered the parlor, sitting in front of me.

"Hello again Latalia, I am Bennet. We are to get married in-" I cut him off standing but he lightly grabbed me arm the way Legolas had done at the feast. But it did not have the same affect, so I pulled away gently. "I wish not to be married. I have come to check up on my family and to gather my things." I made my way towards the stairs to go to my room.

"All we ask is you come back to this house in three weeks to this day. If you do not show up then, we shall send people hunting you down. You are to get married to this man whether you like it or not. You are to get married and move to Rohan. It is for your own safety and Laketown's." Fury was written across my father's face, but quickly turned into regret at his last few words. I wanted to know what he meant by mine and the city's safety, but I just fled upstairs and gathered most of my belongings.

I grabbed a chest and filled it with my clothes, jewelry, journals, herbs, everything I would miss, for I did not know when I shall see these things again. A knock on my window reminded me I may not be able to leave through the front door. I opened it to Legolas as he hopped inside and helped me with my belongings.

"I will take the items outside. See if you can talk to them or leave through the door. If not, come up here and I shall help you out of the window." His eyes seemed filled with sorrow and pity.

I nodded and headed downstairs. Everyone was staring at me with an unpleasant look, except Josette. She was in the kitchen, trying not to think about what this all meant. Bennet looked embarrassed in how I have acted toward him. My parents had the same expression written on their faces, only laced with a little more fury.

"Let me have a walk with her to ease her troubled mind" Bennet spoke to my parents and gently took my arm before I could protest. We headed out the door And down one of the boardwalks. To my left I noticed Legolas hiding, he was confused. I whispered to him knowing he could hear me "I will call if I need help." The shadow moved as Bennet guided me down many boardwalks. Many turns were made till we were standing in front of a nice house I only assumed was Bennet's.

"We should talk in here. For as you shall live here for a short time before the journey to Rohan." he lead me inside to his cozy home.

"What did my father mean by fleeting for mine and the city's safety?" Bennet frowned at the question. "That is something I cannot answer, my lady." he sat on a sofa in front of a fire and patted me to join right next to him. I sat in the spot and peered out of a window to my right, smiling at the shadow on the next door neighbors roof. My attention was dragged elsewhere when Bennet cupped my face in his hand to look at him. His thumb stroking my cheek felt nice and comforting, but I still kept my guard up. He was handsome, but something about him said wrong. He has short, shaggy brown hair, a small amount of stubble, and bright blue eyes.

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