15 Night Made To Never Forget

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The above is a picture of a character you shall meet names Qilanna

"We can do whatever you would like" Legolas wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me as close to his chest as he could. I laid my head on his shoulder, trying to savor every moment with him. "Well good because I would like to take that bath now" I smirked at my teasing, earning a playful sigh from Legolas. He helped me with an extra robe, a towel, and thankfully a folding screen.

As I undressed behind the folding screen, I peered around the object and began waving my dress to get the attention of Legolas. When his eyes met mine, I gracefully dropped my dress, trying to be careful to remain behind the folding screen. Then I removed the promise ring around my neck, kissing it and carefully placing it onto the dress. "Ya know Legolas, I would hate for this folding screen to accidentally get knocked over whilst I stand behind it" I still looked around the folding screen, making sure he was still watching from his bed he now sat on. I faced my back to the screen, hung my robe down to my lower back and around my arms, and kicked the screen down.


I watched closely as Latalia peered around her folding screen, talking of it accidentally knocking over. She disappeared behind the object for a few seconds before it had suddenly fallen to the ground. There she stood, her back was completely exposed, but stopped at the top of her hips where a robe covered her. She did not face me, only walked to the tub and got in, careful not to show me anything. I wanted to go join her so bad, but knew it was highly inappropriate. "Oh you beautiful tease" I laid back against my headboard and smirked at her.

She sunk down into the soapy water and covered the entire water's surface around her with bubbles. Knowing it was now safe, I walked over to her and knelt down next to the tub. She blushed at my presence, as only her head stuck out of the warm water. Heat radiated from the tub, making the area around us quite hot. "How about once you get out of the bath, you come cuddle up with me" I winked as she nodded, her face turning red not from the heat, but from me being near her.

Shortly after laying back down on my bed in my comfy tunic, I could hear water dripping as Latalia reached to the floor to lift up the folding screen. Watching her struggle to reach the object and cover herself with her other arm, I got up and helped her. She thanked me as I walked back to my spot to give her privacy. She wasn't in the bath for long, ever since my offer.


I walked over to Legolas on his bed, still holding the robe tight around my bodice. He smirked as I sat on the side opposite of him. I laid myself back on the bed, making sure my robe hadn't come undone even the slightest. "You know, I usually don't care for robes, I prefer just to walk around bare after a bath" I rolled over onto my stomach and slightly starting swinging my legs. Legolas had a hunger in his eyes that seemed to make the same small feeling in me ignite with such a flame.

"What if you help me out of it" I put on my best innocent face as Legolas took no hesitation with his actions. For a little while, Legolas and I lay on his bed bare as we kissed and connected on a new level. Things got heated quick as we spent the night away, enjoying every second of it with one another.


We lay under his covers, his arms around me as I traced the muscles that were so nicely defined along his abdomen. "I am glad I could share that moment with you Legolas, before I am to go and not return for a while" I turned my head to his as he played with my messy hair. "I feel the same Latalia. I love you, my starlight gem" He kissed me softly and smiled at the thought of my new nickname.

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