44 Home Is Where I Retire My Dagger Under My Pillow

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"Latalia Mae Jones" the woman took my hand in hers. "I am Paelimir, and I have read about you." I pulled my hand back in confusion. "How have you heard of me?" I urged. "I read a book about your father in the library here- I am sorry for worrying you" she looked down in shame. I shook her feelings of shame away as I insisted we move on with the tour. I took Theodred's arm in mine as she led us down winding stairs.

"Just below where the king goes to his office, is his personal armory" she pointed to the room we stood in, but quickly ushered us down more stairs and corridors. Multiple rooms were shown to us as we spent quite a bit of time venturing the castle. The most interesting space with the place was the room of Lesargo. It was a large area with statues, paintings, and all information on the first leader of the tribe and her lover Alemorah.

"This is the castle garden, where I must leave you for now. I have matters to attend to, but if you need anything, call an elf and ask where your rooms will be. The king has already a spot for you Latalia" Paelimir said goodbye and hurried back into the castle. I sighed over her sudden leave and turned to the garden that lay ahead. "It is so beautiful" Theodred began walking forward, admiring every statue that stood among the colorful plants.

I followed just behind him and took in how realistic each one stood. "Nerdanel, Lesargo with Alemorah" each statue was separated from the others by relation like halls made of tall bushes.

I stepped into a circular area surrounded by the same bushes, admiring the statue of the tribe's second leader Twila-Eden. Her features were so lifelike as she gazed upon the statue of her husband Evander, who stood next to her. To the right of the stone couple were their three children, Fawnowen, Novius, and Kythaelie.

"King Enderlaus is the son of former Queen Fawnowen and Valendos." I pointed out once I heard Theodred walk up to me. I gazed upon his tall marbled statue, recognizing the resemblance to his father's statue next to his mother's. "Latalia there is something you should see" My gaze tore from the marble and focused on a anxious looking man. 

"Are you well Theodred?" I examined his state closely.

He took my hand and led me out of the bushes and back into the main garden. I removed my boots and carried them with me to feel the soft grass beneath my feet. "Just this way" he peered around a few corners before ducking into part of a maze, pulling me with him. My hand grazed over the sides of the bushes as Theodred ushered me to an unknown location. 

He stopped in front of me and my eyes fell on one of the last thing I had expected to see.

At my feet was a tall marble statue of a man, a woman, and a baby. "Read the plaque" Theodred pointed to the golden plate at the bottom of the structure. "Lady Belethuil with her husband Chastine and daughter Latalia" the words trembled off of my tongue, not believing my eyes. "My mother and father. And me." 

I lightly touched the faces of the statues, the cold marble sending chills throughout my bodice.

A lone tear slid down my cheek as I stared at the lifeless family in front of me. I noticed the mother's ears were slightly pointed, indicating she was the Gallagtola Tribe member. "I was told you could not be in the tribe at all unless you were born into the Tribe. What made my father an exception?" I searched the statue for hopeless answers. Rustling was heard just around the corner as a young elven boy came into view.

"I mean not to intrude miss, I just overheard what you were saying and wanted to see you" the boy hushed himself. The elven boy looked to be in the teen ages of his life. "Have you heard of this family?" the boy nodded. "Why was Chastine important here in the tribe?" "Oh miss, he was huge for us. Chastine is the one who keeps us hidden from Middle Earth. He has great magic and put up our protective shield and was granted stay within the tribe." I nodded as I took in the information. The boy hesitated for a moment.

"Are you the baby?" he pointed to the statue.

 I nodded, not taking my eyes off of the small marble infant. "Oh I have heard about you. Your father speaks of your return when he comes by" the boy cheered before I quickly turned in his direction. "Is he here?" the boy shook his head. "No miss, he rarely stops by. And Belethuil never comes anymore" he hung his head with sorrow. "Thank you" the boy smiled and quickly ran off.

Once he was out of sight, I turned to Theodred and pushed myself in his arms. He held me tightly in his grasp as I laid my head on his shoulder, tears falling as I stared at the statue. "Home" I muttered. "Shall we find someone to help us settle in?" I nodded against his shoulder before we pulled apart. His arm wrapped around my waist as we continued through the royal garden, looking for an elf for assistance. The journey was not long as we found an elven man attending to some flowers.

We walked through beautiful halls with magnificent tapestries and paintings till we came to a branched off corridor. "Through this door you shall be led to the second dome of the castle, where you shall stay." his words were blunt and a tad confusing, but I nodded as we was dismissed. Theodred walked ahead and opened the door for me. I walked through to a huge and beautiful circular room.

Just ahead was a large open balcony showing the city of the elves below. A large bed with a canopy of coral lay to the right of the balcony while staircases going up and down were on the left wall. Many chests and furniture were scattered about the room, including the fireplace to the right of the bed. "I will check the downstairs floor" Theodred went down as I chose to go up the stairs that held such detailed carvings in each step and railing. I reached the top and gasped at the sight before me.

The room was filled with hung dresses, hunting clothing, sports wear, and more fabrics. A folding screen and folded mirrors occupied a great deal of space, as well as a huge bathtub that I wanted to dive into. "Oh I love this" I whispered. The tall windows all around the walls gave off so much natural light into the room. "Don't forget to check the downstairs" a voice called, making me move swiftly down the stairs. 

"Switch" I tapped Theodred's shoulder and ran past him down the other set of stairs.

I reached the bottom and entered what I assumed was the personal armory. Inside were various weapons and armor covering the spaces. But what caught my eyes the most was the dagger identical to my one that lay out on a table in the room. I walked to it and read the note aloud. "For Latalia. You must have two of these" I smiled at the signature of Enderlaus and placed the dagger into my boot. I ran up the stairs and quickly out onto the balcony. "This is amazing" I recalled all of the events from the day as I stared into the rest of the Kingdom.

I felt his arm slowly wrap around me as I lay my head on his shoulder. "There is a note with your name written on the envelope" he lifted my hand and kissed it gently before turning me lightly to face the bed. I moved to the note on the bed with the covers the color of a pale coral. I took the envelope and traced with my finger my name written in red ink. I opened the envelope and pulled out the blue tinted piece of paper.

There was nothing written upon it. "The letter is blank" I turned it over multiple times, as if it would help my situation at all. 

"Maybe it has something to do with water, being that these elves are skilled with it" Theodred called from the balcony. I considered the information and sang the Siren Song in hopes that Theodred's idea would work. I quickly pulled back my sleeve and felt the pattern on my arm grow cold with water. "Holy- That's new" I stared down at the water on my arm, but found no nearby source. "What?" Theodred was now at my side.

"Usually when I do this, the water comes from a source nearby, but now I cannot find one." I stopped myself. "My own arm" I took in my discovery but quickly pushed the thought away. Without another word spoken, I soaked the letter, revealing a series of letters untouched by the water. "Latalia Jones and Prince Theodred, please join me for a feast tonight at the seventh hour of the evening. Shortly someone will be sent to help you get ready, for we have certain traditions with the feast for you. -King Enderlaus" I read the letter aloud.

The moment I had finished speaking and the water had disappeared, a few short knocks came from the door. "Come in" I set the letter onto the bed and greeted the elven man and woman that had entered the room. "Ms. Latalia, I will be helping you prepare for the feast and he will help Prince Theodred get ready as well" the other man ushered Theodred upstairs as the woman and I followed. 

We entered with room of many clothes and the servants presented two folding screens on opposite sides of the room.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now