18 The Forced Hand Shouldn't Be The Trusted One

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The sun upon my face woke me up in a very peaceful way. I slowly sat up in bed stretching. I looked next to me and noticed Legolas still sleeping. One of his small braids hung over the top of his mouth like a mustache, making me chuckle. I quickly reached for the other braid and tied the two under his chin like a beard, just like I did shortly after arriving here. I let out small chuckles as the good memories here flooded my thoughts. But I covered my mouth as legolas began to wake up.

The sun was just rising while the sound of birds chirping filled the air. I walked to the balcony like a daily routine, taking in the peaceful sight of the early morning. Just behind the garden below the balcony was a training field. There I could see a small boy using all of his might to pull back a bow. Next to him stood Elenorn, showing another young boy how to properly yield a sword. Elenorn truly was a good, trustworthy man. "I wish I had spent more time with him" I mumbled.

"Got all of your stuff packed for your leave?" Legolas had walked over and placed his head on my shoulder. "Last thing to take with me is you" I cupped his cheeks and lightly smushed his face, earning a laugh from both of us. "Well I will be secretly going with you to Rohan" he placed his arm around me as I breathed in his calming scent.

"Even if it is just for a little over four weeks, I am going to miss waking up knowing I can spend all of the time I want with you" he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling me to his chest. For a few minutes we stood there, gently swaying on the balcony as Legolas began singing a soft melody.

Pretty little lady with swollen eyes

Would you show them to me?

I know I'm not that perfect

But you stay awhile

Baby, then you will see

Miles away I can still feel you

Lay your head down on my embrace

My embrace

Far away

His voice was like an enchantment, cooing me into a world where everything wrong in my life physically melted away with the command of his song. I did not want to ever leave his embrace, but the bright sun told me it was time to part. A few tears left my eyes as I pulled away from Legolas' arms, moving to grab my things. My not so silent sniffling alerted him that I was not ready to leave. But everyone who knew me knew that I was entirely dreading this day. I had become too attached to this place and the people in it to go back home.

Home. Was it home anymore?

A wave of nausea fell over me as I took time to meet everyone at the palace entrance and say my goodbyes. I had known not of when I may come back, but I hoped it wouldn't be long. The hardest one to part with was Akita, who shed tears as I did. We stood for many minutes, hugging and talking about when we would visit and try to communicate. He had to force himself to let go of me so I could go. I would miss him so much.

Legolas had walked down the eastern elven path for a while, tears falling yet again as we passed the way to the getaway I would always go to. As we got to the beginning of the path, Legolas stopped us from walking further. "It will be harder for me to sneak around with the sun high but I will watch over you at all times. Whisper and I will hear, and I will whisper to you so keep an ear out." He lifted my chin with his fingers and kissed me softly yet passionately.

Home Soon, Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now