28 Spare Him

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I spent the entire time looking around for Theodred as Bennet dragged me out of the tavern. Once we left the front doors, he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. My entire vision was upside down, swaying gently as Bennet stomped his way home.

 "Let me go" I huffed, doing my best to get out of his tight grasp. "No, you shall pay for looking like a fool in front of people I know. You haven't been near me until now, and there has been talk of it. And I saw what you were doing with the water 'Basilia'. You shall pay" he barked as we neared the house. My body was turned so all I could see was everything on Bennet's right side.

The smallest flame of hope rekindled my soul as I saw Theodred step out of the tavern. But it wasn't until I started to speak that I had realized how winded I was from trying to wrestle out of this man's grip. "The-Theodred" I said, voice harsh sounding from the physical position I was in. His eyes searched the area for the source of his calling, yet they never met mine. I hung my head in defeat, wondering what Bennet may try to put me through tonight. Then it happened once again.

"Latalia? What's happening?" my head jerked up and tears filled my eyes at the sight of my love. "Explain what is going on" the faded appearance of Legolas jogged lightly to keep up with Bennet and I. "I am not sure what is to happen" I talked quietly so Bennet wouldn't suspect anything. "Legolas I love you, and I would love for you to be here. But you cannot help me at the moment. Is there any possible way you can get Theodred or Eomer to-" my breath felt as if it was yanked from my lungs as I was tossed on a hard floor. As I looked around at my surroundings, I assumed we had reached the house while I was distracted by Legolas. Bennet closed the door and footsteps were heard scurrying down the stairs. "What is the matter and why are you so loud?" Anayla asked, confused and annoyed.

"Get upstairs" Bennet balled his fists. "You need to tell me-" "Get upstairs now or you will be beat too" he screamed at her, taking both her and I back a bit. She glanced at me with pity before heading up from whence she came. "You pig. How dare you treat us this way" I had known not of what escaped my mouth until it was already said. But no matter how scared I was, I stared back at him with the same murderous expression he gave me.

 I felt my vision slightly tint blue as my arms grew wet. I looked down at my water covered arms, the falling water catching my attention next. My hair was dripping with water, yet I had not sung my Siren Song.

"Do not think of using your witchcraft on me for one second Latalia or so help me!" Bennet grabbed a stool and broke off a leg, pointing the sharp wood towards me. I stood up from the ground, not tearing my eyes from his for a second. Latalia, you must learn when to back down. You shall never use your gift for anything but for help. Spare him. Galadriel's voice pulled me out of my soaken state of mind, draining all water from my body. My hair was dry and my vision went back to normal, along with my conscience.

"Latalia Forter. My wife, you shall not even think of standing up to me. I could hit you and no one in this town would stand up for you." he paced towards me, swinging the leg of the broken stool still. "You know what Bennet Forter, you are one son of a-" a loud thud was suddenly followed by the man in front of me falling to the floor. I gasped as the quick action and looked for clues calling out what had caused this. And the most clear sign was standing on the stairs. "Anayla" I whispered. She stood on the stairs in shock at her own action.

I walked over to her to comfort and thank her, but her next action caught me off guard. "No. I want you out for good. I know of a concoction that can make him forget you and I plan on using it now." She shoved past me to her own love, holding him close in her arms as she lay on the floor. She began to silently weep. "He was supposed to be mine, and mine only. Leave now and you are free of us for good. Go!" her stare of her already puffy eyes burned holes in my skull, putting me in shock myself and anything but comfort. I slowly walked up the stairs to grab everything I had owned. Once I moved to my cases of clothes and items, a light breeze had fallen behind me.

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