45 Dining With Family

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The woman ushered me behind one as Theodred did the same on his side. "Do you need help removing your clothes?" I shook my head no as I began taking off my tunic and pants. Once I was removed of all clothes except few undergarments, the woman began shuffling through the many dresses that hung before me. "The king has a certain one picked out for you tonight, just need to find it... Yes, here it is" she pulled out a long, glimmering dress. "This is for you"

The dress hung to the ground and shined with changing colors of blue and green. The fabric appeared to be made of the thinnest material I had laid my eyes on, concerning me slightly.

"I must ask you to remove your top undergarment dear, but do not worry" I did as told before she slipped the dress over my bodice. She turned me to a nearby mirror and I gasped at my reflection.

 The view of myself was breathtaking.

The dress clung to my bodice above the waist and hung like water below it. My chest was shown through a V neck cut but nothing was revealed, even through the thin fabric. My shoulders were bare in the front but more fabric was pinned just behind them and hung low down the middle of my back. The dress shimmered like the torso of a peacock in all of its marvelous hues. "Now for your hair" she ushered me to a chair and began taking down the braids I previously had in my hair.

The woman began pulling pieces of my hair rapidly and grabbing things from a nearby dresser. Before I knew it, she was done and turning my back towards the big mirror. "Here" she handed me a small mirror so I could see the creation she made with my hair. "Oh it's amazing" most of my hair hung down my back like usual, but two braids hung down it in a V shape. Placed around the two braids were flowers made from my hair, and clips with jewels at the end placed in the middle of each one.

"I am glad you like it dear. I assume Theodred is ready as well now. You can go out now if you are ready, for I shall return to the gardens" she began to head off and out of the room. "There is a guard awaiting you for when you are ready to join the feast. It is to start in ten minutes" she shouted before leaving. I stepped out from the folding screen and saw the other man leaving as well. 

"Woah" I turned to see Theodred staring at me with absolute awe.

"Latalia, you look better than ever, which until now wasn't something I thought could be topped" I blushed a deep red, indicated by the warmth among my cheeks. "And you look more handsome than ever, which until now wasn't something I thought could be topped" I repeated his words as I moved closer to him to feel of his outfit. His clothes matched my own and his hair was half pulled back. 

"My flower, I am so very honored to be with you tonight and to call you mine." his soft lips landing on mine gently.

"Are you ready to go love?" I nodded as he took my hand in his and we headed down the steps to the room entrance. As the doors opened, a guard in a green suit of armor awaited us. "Lady Latalia and Prince Theodred of Rohan, I shall escort you to the king's feast." we entered the hall we had walked through earlier just before and down new stairwells. 

"Ms. Jones, did you know you had a reserved residence here in the Gallagtola Tribe?" "I-I did not know. May I ask why, mister..?" He stood to my left and smirked at me.

"The name's Gilanor. I have been in the Gallagtola Tribe's Royal Council since the last years with Queen Fawnowen, before she was attacked. Which reminds me Theodred." Gilanor stopped us and turned to Theodred. "I would not go around the elves speaking of your title and Rohan. Your grandfather is the reason we were forced to leave behind our homes and allies with many." he turned back around and ushered us to the dining hall.

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