A Resolution-The Scott's

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Emery's P.O.V

Growing up with Hardin Scott and Tessa Young as parents I was nothing short of the most loved kid on the planet.That didn't completely changed when Auden came along because the second I saw him,I knew he was my family.I didn't need a certificate to know about that.Our family was perfect but then somewhere along the way, we just stopped being perfect.I stopped being perfect.I was such a happy child,I loved it when my Dad read with me,I loved it when we had our little family movie nights where we would binge watch a bunch of Disney movies.Auden and I even went as far to think we we're Sharpay and Ryan.Now that I'm thinking about it on the surface we sure as hell came  pretty damm close, too bad the surface isn't the reality.

Sharpay would never get abused or become a stripper, probably because Disney could never give a character such depth and reality but also because she was a strong women.If I was actually strong that my family would still be perfect but it's not.However through all of the fighting that I rest assure you was upheld the second my Dad dragged me home two weeks ago.I put up a massive fight about how I didn't want to be here.My mom was to drunk to function so she went straight to bed,Auden helped her there before giving me a confused look, and Dad well he and I just went completely at it with each other.

After finally giving up, we all went to bed and the next week was filled with nothing but silence.My parents finally had enough of it and decided to sit me down, we talked and talked and talked a little more before I finally came to some sort of resolution with them.Forgiving them is a whole lot easier than all of this pent up anger.Speaking of forgiving,Addy and I have started talking again, I wasn't in the mood to see whatever she had to show me but I did want to talk.We grabbed ice cream and went over everything, can't say I'm completely over it but Addy and I are the inevitable friendship so there's no point in fighting it.

The entire friend group seems to be doing better.Although there is this awkward thing between Jack and Caleb ever since that whole fight.Nathan just makes fun of the whole thing and Trinity acts like a sweetheart.Lily has been herself as always although has projected most of her attitude toward Addy for whatever reason.

Auden has been doing well too.I haven't seen Danny in a while so I have no idea how that's going but I'm pretty sure it's not well.Auden has been fairly quiet and only been adding small smirks every now and then.

Despite all of the past two weeks, it is the first Monday of October which means spooky season which means school.School has been more bearable ever since I started talking with my friends again but it's just missing something and that's cheer.I miss my uniform,it made me feel safe,contained.Even when I was feeling left out at least it looked like I was apart of something.

I know the coach said she would take me back but that was like 3 weeks ago and things can change.She's probably replaced me already and doesn't feel a need to take back a broken girl like me with pink hair that wears black baggy clothing.Nobody wants that.Besides that can't hurt to try.

"Emery!Lets go!Its time for breakfast!"My mom calls for me,just like she used too.I don't even know why I'm not down there,I'm fully dressed in my all black clothing,my hair is done,my teeth are brushed.I'm pretty much ready for school,yet I've been sitting here giving a summary of everything that's happened in the past two weeks.

Great use of you're time Em.

I force myself out of my sulking stage and off of my bed,dragging my feet down the stairs and too the breakfast table.I sit down at the table with my father and my brother as my mom sets the table."I made you eggs for you my love."She places the plate in front of me before leaning down and kissing my forehead.She moves around the table, sitting across from me."So Em, are you ever gonna get back on the cheer team?I miss having my daughter being a cheerleader."

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