New Beggings:Tessa

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Emery runs out the door and Hardin and I burst into laughter.I try to get up but he pushes me back down "and where do you think your going?"Oh god.

  "I um I need to get um ready for work."I stutter.He slowly leans down to my ear and bites on it.

"Oh no no Theresa.You see you were a very bad girl."He pauses to kiss my neck.

"You see letting our daughter where that cheer uniform showing her ass to school was a very bad thing to do Missy."He says in between kisses.He lifts me on to him so I'm straddling his torso.

"And you know they say bad girls must be punished."He whispers with his thick British accent.He carries me to our bed room and my legs never leave his torso.

"Is that something you want baby to be punished?"He says I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Y-Yes."I moan.

"Good then."He smirks.He kisses my neck then moves down to my chest and leaves sweet wet brit kisses all over my breast.

"Fuck there all mine right baby?"He asks gesturing toward my breast.

"Y-Yes."I moan a little too loudly but no ones home so I don't really care at the moment.He leaves wet kisses all down my stomach and he reaches my love handles where most of my stretch marks are and trace his fingers over them "So beautiful."He whispers and then kisses them.

He then teases me by slowly kissing my inner thighs when in reality I really just wanna show his big ass head in my vagina."Come on Hardin please."I moan.

"Beg for me baby."He begins kissing the affected area.

"Oh my god."I moan.

"Beg I wanna hear it Theresa."He says cupping my breast.

"P-Please."I moan.I have no idea how my heart has not stopped yet.

"P-Please Hardin.I love you so much."I say and that's all it takes for him to begin pushing them fingers in my vagina.

"Oh my god I love you so much."I pull his hair and he moans.

"Fuck this."He slips hisself inside me.

"Oh my god baby you feel so good."He moans and I do as well.

"Oh My god Hardin."I moan.He begins kissing my boobs and I pull his hair and then we kiss.Thats all it takes for both of us to come undone lost in each other.

"Holy shit."I gasp needing to catch a breathe.

"Yea.Its like every time we have sex I come even harder."He say and I laugh.I get up to go pee and once I'm done.I check the time and see I got to get going to work.

"Okay babe I love you but I gotta get going I have an appointment with a potential client."I say.He kisses my forehead and tells me goodbye.I put on a sun dress that begins of birth is even tighter around my breast area then it was before.I put a jacket over it and slip on my some flats then head for the door.

I reach my office and greet Shonda ,my receptionist, she then tells me that my client is waiting for me.I see a tan lady with brown hair and highlights."Hello ma'am I'm Te-."I stop in my tracks when I see its Molly but she has brown hair now.

"Hey Tessa."She says in sweet voice and I raise a brow out her.

"Look Tessa I know I did a lot of bad things in college but I'm sorry and I have moved on.I didn't come here to ruin your life or anything I came here because I'm getting married."She says showing me her ring.My mouth falls open.Molly Samuels the girl I bitch tackled in college is getting married?And she apologized?Wow this is one weird day.

I'm happy for you Molly."I give her a smile."Whose the groom if you don't mind me asking?"

"Logan."She says and I gasp.She chuckles at my shocked reaction and her laugh is contagious so I join in too.

"I'm really happy for you Molly."She smiles at me.

"Thank you we wanted to do it after we had Lily but never got around it."She says and my mouth drops again.Kid?

"You have a kid?"I gape.

"Yea she's starting high school and I think she actually goes to the same school as your daughter , Emery right?."She laughs and I join her.

"Yea Emery.That's so great Molly I'm really happy for you."I say and sit down in my desk across from her.

"Okay so about this wedding what exactly are you looking for?"I ask.

"Well I want something small because I honestly don't have that many friends or family.Ever since that thing with Steph and you happened."I shiver as I hear that awful girls name.She continues "The whole group broke apart and Logan and I we decided to move to New York and now I am a hair stylist and Logan is a construction worker."I smile at her and I actually am really happy for her.She has grown so much since college and adulthood looks good on her.

"But as for the wedding we just want it to be really close family and some friends if I ever make any.Maybe some girls at the salon and Tessa this is gonna sound so weird but maybe even your family?"I gasp at her question but immediately recover and give her a smile.

"Of course Molly.You have honestly grown so much and I am so honored to know this new you and I am even more honored to be planning your wedding."We both laugh and begin to talk more about her wedding.She goes into detail and tells me how she wants a black and white wedding with hints of hot pink.Somethings never change.We laugh and talk and I can see myself being very good friends with her.I check the time to see it's 12:00 which means lunch break.

"Shit.Mol It's my lunch hour I gotta go."I say.

"It's okay Tessa."She pulls me into a hug and we exchange numbers as she walks out the door I get a great idea.

"Hey!Why don't you come with me to lunch?"

"Yea sounds great let's go."She replies and I follow her out the door.On our way to the restaurant where we planned to eat someone bumps into us.

"Hey watch it!"Molly yells but is immediately silenced when she's that disgusting blob of red hair.Steph.

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