First Days:Hardin

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I wake up to my beautiful girl laying next to me and I can't stop wondering how I get so lucky.I see that its 6:30 so I get up to wake up Emery because I know the poor girl was up so late doing her summer reading.I really wanted to help her but of course Tess wouldn't let me.As I begin to get up Tessa stirs in her sleep but not long after she is wide awake.She reaches for my hand and says "Hey where are you going?"

"Too wake up Em she's gonna be late."I say while pointing at the clock.

"No.She needs to learn on her own.We need to teach her to not be so dependent."She says while going into the closest to find some clothes.She decides on a cardigan and a babydoll dress.She looks so innocent its fucking adorable.

"Your so beautiful."I wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear.She giggles and pulls away from my grip.My beautiful girlfriend and mother of my children goes out and to make breakfast no doubt.I get dressed in the usual all black what's new.Today I have a meeting with Vance and his minions for another book I'm co-writing with my son Auden.I always had envisioned Emery to help me with this type of stuff but Emery just isn't into that stuff.Now that I think about it I have no idea what Emery is into.I used to know her so well she was always a very vibrant happy child.Always loved to play with her dolls and be with me.But ever since she hit teen years she's been so gloomy and dark.Tessa is really hard on her which causes Emery to disrespect Tessa which I will not have.I love Emery with all my heart but Tessa is the love of my life and nobody disrespects her.

When I walk out of my room I see Auden already at the table eating the eggs I without a doubt know Tess made for him.I look at the clock and see its 6:45."Tess I really think we should wake her up we have to leave in 45 and she needs to eat breakfast."I protest.

She moves to stand in front of me and rubs her hands up and down my harms while saying "Babe Emery needs to learn.I already made her breakfast she just needs to serve herself.She'll wake up eventually."

"But tess-"

"Hardin."She scolds.I roll my eyes and she plants a kiss on my cheek causing me to smile.Even now the little things she does still bring me so much joy.My entire family minus Emery sits down and we enjoy our breakfast.Auden tells us about his music concert this Friday and how he had already sent in his story into the young writers competition.Tessa then tells us about how today she has the opening of her wedding company building.I'm so proud of her.Tessa and Auden then go into talking about Jane Austen's masterpiece and I can't help but see how alike they are and at this moment I realize how different Emery is.Auden is very put together and neat and Emery just rolls with the punches.At this very moment Emery storms downstairs and frantically and freezes when she notices all of us.Oh no.

"So nobody thought to wake me up?"She asks with the biggest attitude.Jesus this little girl is just like me when I was her age.That's how I know Tessa being this hard on her won't help there relationship at all.I plan on talking to her about this when the kids are asleep tonight.

"We told you that if you didn't start waking up on your own you were always gonna be late.Your getting older Emery you need to learn how to take care of yourself.I mean look at Auden he got up all on his own and now he's eating a healthy breakfast and is ready for the day."Oh my poor Theresa I know how Emery is going to react and its not good.

"Well I'm not Auden so there's that.Also it's scientifically proven that teenagers need more sleep ."Using facts against Theresa Lynn Young, the biggest know it all in the damm state.Not the best move Em.

"Well maybe if you weren't;t on that damm phone all night you would be able to actually get that sleep."I look at Emery and I can tell she's hurt and feels less then but she will never care to admit it.

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