First Days:Emery

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   I wake up sitting on my desk chair with my face planted on my dad's book.Shit.Oh my god I fell asleep.You see here's the thing I'm Emery Scott.You may now my parents story most likely because my dad felt the need to write a new york times best selling book about it and I mean yea its cool and all but it doesn't stop the need my teachers feel to always assign me there book for summer reading.You would think it would be easy you know because I have the real thing living with me?Wrong.They don't wanna answer any of my questions so I had to read the book.But I'm a procrastinator and  I've been busy with other things so I waited till a week before which has now led me here.I've only answered a few questions but its not enough.Whatever.

I gather all my shit and when I check my alarm clock I see I have only ten minutes till I have to leave.Shit.Shit.Shit.I run to my bathroom and do all the hygienic shit.I can't really be a fashion icon considering I know have 4 minutes and I would like to at least eat an apple before I leave.I decide and black jeans, my black books, my black and white stripped t-shirt, and my dad's old leather jacket he gave me.It doesn't fit perfectly its actually quite big but it was my dad's second skin and now its mine.I run downstairs and see my entire family eating breakfast.

"So nobody thought to wake me up?"I ask.I'm so fucking irritated right now.

"We told you that if you didn't start waking up on your own you were always gonna be late.Your getting older Emery you need to learn how to take care of yourself.I mean look at Auden he got up all on his own and now he's eating a healthy breakfast and is ready for the day."My mom says.

"Well I'm not Auden so there's that.Also its scientifically proven teenagers need more sleep."I state but it doesn't budge with my know it all of a mother.

"Well maybe if you weren't on that damm phone all night you would be able to actually get that sleep."She says and something with what she says stirs me up the wrong way.Maybe because she is making me feel less than but it doesn't matter because she won't need to know that.

"Well maybe if I didn't have to read your and dad's porn story for summer reading I wouldn't be up so late.If you two had just helped me out I could actually be eating breakfast but no your trying to prove a point.But the only point your proving is that your annoying as hell."After I finish my rant my dad slams his knife and fork on the table and looks at me with a death stare.When it comes to my mother he is so fucking over protective even against me his own flesh and blood.

"Emery Scott!Don't try to put this on me and your mother!It's called SUMMER reading which means you had three months to do it.But instead you were out doing god knows what every day all day."He says.

"I was doing mathletes."I lie.In reality I was at cheerleading camp.But I couldn't tell my parents I had to beg my grandparents Kim and Vance for money to do it and thank god they swore secrecy to me.They understand how my parents can be and after I showed them the video of me flying they just couldn't say no.

"Whatever Emery we have to go anyway.Your brother can't be late for school."My mother says.

"Your not even taking us."I remind her.My dad gives me a death stare.

"Your right because I'm too busy cleaning up your shit."She says.I roll my eyes at them and wait at the door.I see my mom give my brother and my dad a kiss on the cheeck.I almost think of waiting for her to give me one.But I know better than that when fighting with Theresa Lynn Young.

Once we get in the car my dad stars playing the fray and I roll my eyes as my brother and him humm along to the song.There such simps.When we drop Auden at school he gets his tuba out of the car and rushes along to his friends.Oh yea did I forget to mention Auden is a musical prodigy and a huge friendship magnet.I however draw people away but music is something I dabble in not that my parents would care.You would think Hardin Allen Scott the loner turn lover boy would understand me but he doesn't.He's too busy kissing my mother's ass and I wish that was a figure of speech.

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